What is Your Body Trying to Tell You? 4 Signs of An Unhealthy Gut


Your gut might be trying to warn you that it needs help, but it’s challenging to read the signals accurately. An unhealthy gut can affect your entire body, including your brain. The best way to know if your gut is functioning properly is by observing your body. Regular bowel movements, no abdominal pain, or bloating are signs that everything’s working well.

On the other hand, an unhealthy gut will show symptoms to create awareness of its lack of functionality. Here are some warning signs to consider.

1. Stomach Discomfort

One of the significant indicators of an unhealthy gut is the uneasiness you may feel in your stomach from constipation, gas, or bloating. Often, people face stomach discomfort due to undigested food living in the gut. You can find relief by getting colon hydrotherapy sessions to flush out the waste. Hydrotherapy can clear out your large intestine and release any leftover components causing a blockage.

A colon cleanses can also boost your energy and improve your immune system. If your stomach feels internally lighter, your body will feel less discomfort. It can also be beneficial to cut out the regular intake of unhealthy foods that cause gas and bloating and replace them with healthier alternatives to avoid future discomfort.

Fatigue and Lethargy

2. Fatigue and Lethargy

If you feel tired, lazy, and uninterested in certain activities daily, you may have a gut problem. Although these symptoms don’t always indicate a gut issue, they are major red flags if combined with stomach discomfort.

Try to make observations by noticing what food makes you feel that way. If a specific food makes you feel that way, it could be your gut’s way of rejecting that item. You can then try to cut out that item and see if it changes your mood. Another way to figure out the issue is by taking a gut microbiome test to determine what’s going on inside your body.

3. Mood Swings

Your gut is connected to your brain. When your stomach is feeling low, your brain might pick up on that, leading to mood swings and irritation. If your gut is unhealthy, you might feel it in the rest of your body, affecting your willingness to participate in many activities. Researchers have linked gut problems to several mental illnesses, including anxiety and depression.

You must reach out for professional help if your gut is affecting your mental health. Start with a consultation to figure out what the gut problem is and move on to specialized help from that point.

Mood Swings

4. Trouble Sleeping

It can be inconvenient to wake up in the middle of the night because your gut is trying to send a signal. You may either have trouble falling or staying asleep due to discomfort. Gut issues can make it challenging to get sufficient rest, potentially leading to other health problems and a lack of motivation to continue daily activities.

The best way to tackle this issue is eating more fibre, consuming probiotics, avoiding alcohol, and staying active. Taking these steps will help your gut recover and stay healthy.

Your gut might be trying to tell you that it is struggling. Since your stomach is a significant part of your body, it is essential to take care of it and get help when necessary. If your gut is happy, so are you.

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