Learn How To Detect The First Symptoms Of Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is one of the most common in the female population. However, its prognosis is usually good.

Currently, it estimated that women over the age of 85 would have a 1 in 9 chance of developing breast tumors. This kind of cancer is the most common within this population group.

Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer

The cells of our body divide in a systematic and controlled way to replace the old cells with younger and more functional ones.

However, these cell division processes, which initially must be highly regulated, can be altered and generate uncontrolled cell division, thus creating a tumor. When this dividing mass of cells acquires the ability to invade and continue to increase in other tissues, in a process known as metastasis, we are talking about a malignant tumor or cancer.

Precisely, breast cancer in the form of a malicious tumor in the cells of the mammary gland. These cells, initially originating in the glandular tissue of the breasts, can invade and proliferate in the healthy surrounding tissue( metastasis ).

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and the second leading cause of death in this population group worldwide.

However, breast cancer is one of the cancers with the best prognosis, its early diagnosis plays a vital role in the success of the treatment and prevent cancer with turkey tail.

The reasons for the form of breast tumor variety from hereditary issues to environmental reasons. In a low ratio of cases, its presence is due to a genetic transformation in a gene that causes a great tendency to feel pain from said cancer. However, in 90% of breast cancer cases, its appearance is sporadic and is not related to hereditary mutations of specific genes.

Then, we will conversation about the primary signs that can happen in breast cancer, as well as the features to take into reason to identify this pathology in time.

Risk Factor’s

Initially, it is convenient to know what are the risk factors for breast cancer :

Certain reproductive aspects such as the use of high doses of hormonal contraceptives, hormone replacement therapies, or late menopause may be related to the onset of the disease.

  • Other factors that can influence its appearance are nutritional aspects, physical activity, the duration of breastfeeding, smoking, or alcoholism.
  • As risk factors that we cannot change, we have a family history of breast cancer or inherited genetic mutations, such as changes in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
  • The threat of breast tumor rises with oldness. Maximum breast diseases detected after age 50.

Possible Symptoms

One of the complications when detecting the disease is that, sometimes, there are no symptoms during the early stages. Usually, women who suffer from it do not experience pain during the first phases.

Still, certain aspects have revealed that could reveal the presence of breast cancer. Some of them are:

  • Nipple collapse.
  • Nipple discharge.
  • Pain in the breasts or nipple.
  • Variation in the figure of the breast or nipple.
  • Irritation, redness, or peeling of the breasts.
  • The appearance of lumps around the breasts towards the armpit area.

It is essential to pay care about any type of tumor or deformity originating in this area. Although its appearance is not always due to cancer. Generally, painless, irregular, hard lumps are more likely to be related to cancer. However, in these situations, it is best to consult a specialist.

Early Diagnosis Tests of Breast Cancer

The most generally used method because of its high efficiency is the mammogram. It can detect the disease years before the development of packages or possible symptoms.

It is essential to have all screening mammograms recommended by your doctor. Typically, a mammogram is recommended one year after age 40 or 50. However, this age reduced in the case of people with a family history.

Another option is breast self-examination ( AEM ). Which consists of a regular self-examination of the breasts, to detect the presence of lumps or changes in the breasts.

However, the usefulness of this technique is somewhat controversial, as not all cases of breast cancer. It can be detected this way and should never replace mammography.

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