Scoliosis Write For Us
Scoliosis, also known as spinal deviation, is a fairly common condition. In these cases, the spine has an abnormal curvature. In this way, we can find columns deviated in the shape of a “C” to the left or right or columns with an “S” curvature.
The spine is not an isolated bone. It also consists of many bones (called vertebrae) held together by a type of elastic tissue called cartilage. Besides, this gives people the flexibility to bend, stretch, balance, and even walk.
Scoliosis most often occurs during the growth spurt, just before puberty. Most cases are mild with few symptoms.
But a worsening curvature can be very damaging to a person’s health. Large bends can damage the joints and cause arthritis in the spine.
They can even cause the ribs to rub against the pelvis and cause pain. If the spine becomes severely curved, lung problems can develop.
Children of any age, including infants, can get scoliosis. The most common type of scoliosis is called idiopathic scoliosis. It is usually detected when the person enters puberty.
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