Questions To Ask Before Buying CBD Oil For Pets


CBD products are steadily growing in demand for both humans and pets. CBD oils are the most commonly given product to pets. This is the reason that a lot of companies have started making their versions of CBD Oil and other CBD products.

With hundreds of options available in the market, picking the right product for your pet can be a little complicated. Not all companies sell similar products and hence few factors distinguish the good from the bad. Below we have made a list of eight important questions that you must consider or ask before you invest in a cannabidiol product for your pets at home.

Does the product have a Certificate of Analysis?

COA or certificate of analysis is proof of the products that are present in the oil and the procedures that have been used while producing the oil. There are three major tests that you should be looking for and they include microbial test, heavy metal test, and test for pesticides. Only go for sellers such as holistapet that offer full information about the product. If there is no COA, avoid the product at all costs.

Does The Product Have THC?

Your product should have zero THC. THC is the psychoactive component found in the cannabis plant. THC can be toxic to both dogs and cats and hence you need to avoid it at all costs. If the use of CBD is causing diarrhea, vomiting, and other such side effects in your pets, it is possibly due to the THC content. THC can be found in oils derived from Cannabis and hence you need to find the ones that are solely derived from hemp.

CBD Oil: Is The CBD Full Spectrum?

On the product package, you will find one of the two things. Either it will say that the product is isolate or full spectrum. The isolate products will only have CBD. However, the full spectrum oil will have other useful cannabinoids that are naturally found in hemp.

So, full-spectrum oil is much more effective, and you should prefer it over isolated ones. The following link will give you a better idea about the full spectrum and isolate CBD:

Does The Bottle Say Hemp Oil?

Even though you should be using cannabidiol that has been derived from the Hemp plant, you should not buy products that say Hemp Oil. Hemp oil does not have any CBD and will have no therapeutic effects for your pets. You will be able to find whether this oil does have CBD or not in the COA report.

Is The Dosage Mentioned In The Bottle?

The bottle that you are buying should have the dosage mentioned on it depending on the size of your pet. The label should also clearly state the amount of THC in the oil which should ideally be 0% but it can also be up to 0.3%. Any product that does not indicate all of these factors on the packaging should be avoided at all costs.

CBD Oil: How Was The CBD Extracted?

Make sure that the seller mentions the origin of the CBD oil. Cannabidiol is extracted from the stalks, flowers as well as seeds of the hemp plant. However, the most potent is the flowers. So, if a CBD oil has been extracted from the hemp flowers, you can be assured that it has quality cannabidiol content.

Also, the method of extraction is important. The CO2 extraction method is the safest way to extract cannabidiol. This is the cold-pressed method that does not use any other chemicals such as butane or alcohol. Cannabidiol oil extracted with these chemicals can cause adverse effects in animals.


CBD Oil – Is The Hemp Plant Organically Grown?

Make sure that the product you are buying has been taken from an organically grown hemp plant. The hemp that is grown in soil with harmful pesticides will pull up these chemicals. These chemicals will then get extracted along with the oil. These pesticides can be toxic to dogs and cats and hence should be avoided completely.

Does The Product Advertised Look Too Good To Be True?

High-quality CBD oil from Greenpassion is also one thing you should remember is that high-quality CBD oil does not come cheap. So, if you find a seller giving you a product that is cheap but high in quality, you should beware. This again takes us to the first point, always read the labels.

Check the certificate of authorization. Only buy wholesale CBD oil as it has a good quantity of cannabidiol and also is grown organically with all of the above-given properties.

When you buy cannabidiol products for your pet, most of the time it is for therapeutic purposes. Cannabidiol in the form of oil has the best therapeutic properties. Even though other products such as treats and food can also be good options, oil is the most potent in relieving pain and anxiety in pets. Click here to find out more about the therapeutic properties of cannabidiol.

Final Words

While giving your pets some cannabidiol can be a very good option to relieve anxiety, pain, increase hunger, and much more, you should always consider the 8 questions given above. It is important to remember that any product that you give your pets should not be toxic to them. Also, make sure you consult your vet before you give your dog or cat CBD products because they might even be allergic to it.

MORE INFO:- thegorgeousbe

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