How CBD Can Be Used for Athletes


CBD– Athletes and active people often rely on supplemental and personalized diets that help them meet their exercise goals and increase their nutritional demands.

Often, in this arsenal of molecules coexist multivitamins, amino acids, minerals, and additional macronutrients, such as proteins and carbohydrates.

If your plan is to build pure, high-quality muscle. Then in addition to taking the aforementioned supplements, you must have a diet and adequate rest.

But there is also another piece of the puzzle that could help you build muscle mass over time and help you recover more quickly: CBD. Athletes tend to love using CBD as a more attractive option because it can be a natural and effective alternative wellness solution.

Its molecule has anti-catabolic effects that can improve your quality of sleep, as well as modulate the inflammatory response of the body.

Learn What Cannabidiol Is?

In the cannabis plant, there are more than a hundred cannabinoids. CBD is one of the most abundant cannabinoids.

It is studied and documented within cannabinoids and has been establishing itself as a health supplement and even a medicine after pioneering scientific studies and the attention of the general media.

This molecule has attracted a lot of attention in clinical and preclinical tests by showing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, and Athletes and active people often rely on supplemental and personalized diets that help them meet their exercise goals and increase their nutritional demands.

Oftenly, in this arsenal of molecules coexist multivitamins, amino acids, minerals, and additional macronutrients, such as proteins and carbohydrates.

If your plan is to build pure, high-quality muscle. Then in addition to taking the aforementioned supplements, you must have a diet and adequate rest.

But there is also another piece of the puzzle that could help you build muscle mass over time. And help you recover more quickly: CBD.

Athletes tend to love using CBD as a more attractive option because it can be a natural and effective alternative wellness solution. Its molecule has anti-catabolic effects that can improve your quality of sleep, as well as modulate the inflammatory response of the body.

How does CBD Affect the Body?

How CBD works is that it collaborate with our body’s endocannabinoid system. This system consists of CB1 and CB2 receptors and is regulated by internal cannabinoids, known as endocannabinoids.

Research has shown that cannabinoids have a similar structure on the molecular level as our inner chemical compounds found in our endocannabinoid system.

In addition to providing relief from symptoms, you can compare CBD as a daily vitamin. If a person has a vitamin deficiency, taking the specific would help your body.

The same is true about endocannabinoid deficiency. Well, the same can be said with endocannabinoids.

Endocannabinoid deficiency is when your body has a lack of endocannabinoids that can cause conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, and headaches. So consuming CBD can help with these conditions caused by an endocannabinoid deficiency.

CBD and Building Muscles

The two most important metabolic states for muscle recovery:

1. Anabolic State – essentially the building of proteins and amino acids. This can help with gaining lean muscle.

2. Catabolism State – breaks down the structures of proteins and amino acids. You gain energy through storing carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

It is important to balance these 2 states for the best muscle-building results.

CBD helps prevent the excess of catabolism and also maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss.

It does not contribute directly to muscle tissue like amino acids or proteins, but it can protect these structures against catabolic states induced by hormones such as cortisol.

CBD can Contribute to the Development of Muscle Mass

Reducing catabolic hormones is perhaps the most profound effect. CBD has on building muscle mass, but the molecule produces other effects that work in a more indirect way.

CBD and Inflammation

Through research, it is proven that CBD can reduce inflammation. You can gain muscle by lifting weights at the gym through a hypertrophy training program.

This means you exercise with many repetitions with low weights. This will increase tensions in the muscles and cause soreness.

The soreness is caused by inflammation. It turns out that applying or consuming CBD, for example, using full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures or CBD pain relief salve, has been effective in reducing muscle soreness.


CBD May Reduce Pain

The human body full of sensors specifically designed to detect damage or dysfunction; they called nociceptors.

Every time they detect damage, they transmit signals to the brain that we perceive as pain.

Our nervous system warns us when we are in danger and reminds us to be careful with injured areas of the body to allow recovery.

The problem with pain is that sometimes the signals sent by the nociceptors are not necessary (there is no real damage), they are excessive (the signals are much higher than necessary), or they last too long.

It is under these circumstances that we wish to block out pain so that we can continue our daily lives more comfortably.

CBD can be use to relieve different types of pain. This molecule known to effectively reduce inflammation and general discomfort associated with many health conditions.

Studies on CBD and pain management have shown positive results, explaining the benefits when used for its relief. The use of CBD could offer a natural alternative for people who do not want to use opioid-like and habit-forming medications.

Although more research on the topic of chronic pain is always welcome. There is a sufficient evidence body to suggest that CBD can reduce pain. And that it may be an appropriate treatment in humans.


CBD may Improve Sleep

Rest is also vital to working and building muscle because it is a deep anabolic state in which the body repairs tissues.

The pituitary gland also produces growth hormone. A molecule that plays an important role in metabolism, cell repair, growth, and exercise performance or execution.

Animal studies have shown that CBD has a positive effect on the sleep-wake cycle. And it appears to increase total sleep time. CBD has also shown to be effective against anxiety, a disease that can have a major negative impact on sleep.

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