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Tubal Ligation Reversal: The Complete Guide


Tubal ligation is an effective birth control method for women. Research shows less than one among 100 women may get pregnant after this procedure.

But what happens if you have a tubal ligation and then decide that you want to get pregnant? Well, this method is reversible. A qualified professional reverses this by reconnecting the blocked tubes.

This detailed guide will teach you all you need about the procedure.

Candidacy for Tubal Ligation Reversal

During the initial consultation, your physician performs a thorough medical exam to determine if you qualify for tubal ligation reversal. They check whether your health is okay to withstand the procedure.

Multiple factors apply, including:

  • Tubal Ligation Type: Some techniques aren’t reversible
  • Age: The younger you’re, the higher the success chances
  • General Fertility: If you have fertility issues, this impacts the tubal ligation reversal results. Before the procedure, your physician examines you and your partner to uncover egg and sperm health. They may take uterus images to determine if it’s fit for pregnancy.
  • Your Undamaged Fallopian Tube: A tubal ligation reversal surgery is best when you have more fallopian tube parts left undamaged.
  • Body Mass Index: Success chances are higher when you aren’t overweight or obese.
  • Other Health Conditions: Health issues like autoimmune diseases impact pregnancy. Your physician may not recommend this surgery, depending on your unique situation.

What to Expect During Tubal Ligation Reversal

Your surgeon uses a laparoscopic camera to check your fallopian tubes. They insert the device into your abdomen via a tiny incision. The technician proceeds if they find your fallopian tube is strong enough to support the surgery.

Your physician removes the damaged parts of your fallopian tubes and devices, such as rings and clips. They reconnect your fallopian tubes’ damaged ends, using small stitches, and insert a dye into the tubes’ ends. If there’s no leak, it means successful reattachment.

The procedure requires general anesthesia and takes up to three hours.

Recovery After Tubal Ligation Reversal

Most patients are okay to go home immediately after the surgery. Expect some tenderness and pain on the surgical site for a few hours after the procedure. Your service provider offers prescription medication to cope with discomfort. Recovery takes a week or more, depending on your health.

After tubal ligation reversal, you should wait 48 hours to shower. When bathing, avoid rubbing the incision to prevent possible damage. Your surgeon may advise you against intense sexual and physical activities until you recover. Follow the post-surgery instruction for faster recovery.

Tubal Ligation Reversal Costs

The average tubal ligation reversal cost in the U.S. is $8,685. However, the actual price depends on multiple factors, such as the necessary tests and your geographical location.

During the consultation, ask your service provider about expected costs beforehand. While health insurance premiums don’t cover tubal ligation reversal payments, your professional may offer a payment plan.

Essential FAQs

Does Tubal Ligation Reversal Have Complications?

While surgeries can lead to infections, bleeding, and anesthesia complications, this is rare for most tubal ligation reversal patients. Your medical professional will explain the possible risks beforehand and the appropriate actions to take if they occur.

When choosing a surgeon, find a qualified provider to avoid potential complications.

Is there an Alternative for Tubal Ligation Reversal?

If you don’t qualify for a tubal ligation reversal surgery, your other alternative is in vitro fertilization (IVF). This laboratory procedure involves mixing your eggs and your partner’s sperm. After fertilization, the eggs get implanted into your uterus, and pregnancy begins.

The choice between IVF and tubal ligation reversal is unique for different patients. Talk to your service provider for recommendations on the appropriate procedure for your situation.

Do I Qualify for Tubal Ligation Reversal?

Your qualification for this surgery depends on your previous pregnancies, body mass index, and age. During the consultation, your surgeon checks your health to determine if you’re fit for the surgery.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

Tubal ligation reversal takes up to three hours, depending on the extent of the surgery. Most patients go home immediately. You may experience pain on the surgical incision following the procedure, but your service provider offers medication to cope with discomfort. Get someone to drive you home as you leave to begin the recovery.

Positive Way of Life


Every New Year’s Resolution is made with the best of motives, hopes, and energy. It’s much more challenging to stick to some resolutions than others. These promises are often made as declarations of utmost importance. People make resolutions to better themselves in various ways, such as by cutting back on unhealthy habits, gaining more exercise, losing weight, or spending more quality time with loved ones. Hasty plans and aggressive schedules, sometimes fueled by champagne and high spirits, are cobbled together to achieve our lofty goals. The hardest part is still ahead: you have another 364 days after New Year’s Eve to make good on all those resolutions and promises you made.

Taking charge of one’s life is a goal that many of us make when faced with a new season or holiday. Just thinking about summer and picturing ourselves in a bathing suit and with a fresh face is enough to spark a momentary metamorphosis. The anticipation of a significant social event, such as a wedding or a high school reunion, can prompt introspection and a renewed focus on one’s appearance and way of life. Taking charge of your life is not something that must be put off until the start of a new calendar year, the arrival of a new season, or the conclusion of a special occasion. The process of reclaiming your life can be as gradual as the changing of the seasons, something to be celebrated every day. For more information visit greetingsus.

When we put too much emphasis on the end result and not enough on the steps necessary to get there, we run the risk of becoming overwhelmed. Joining a gym on Friday and committing to working out for an hour every day may seem like a great idea over the weekend, but by Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, it may feel like a huge burden. It’s common for the motivation to keep going with a 30-pound weight loss to wane after the first 10-pounds are gone and the struggle of the remaining 20-pounds begins. Alterations in diet have the potential to influence a person’s vitality, mood, and demeanour. Extreme alterations may be hard to maintain, even when success has been achieved.

If you want to start living a healthier life, you’ll need to make some changes to your typical activities. After 30 days of regular practise, an activity or habit is considered habitual and integrated into daily life. Making small, manageable changes to your routine can help you reach your long-term goals in a way that won’t derail your progress. You may, for instance, wish to run daily distances of two or three miles. Take ten minutes out of your day, preferably in the morning or evening, and start walking regularly. After a month of dedication, you can increase your time commitment to twenty minutes, and then thirty minutes. After a while, you’ll be able to modify your schedule, jogging for five minutes and walking for fifteen, and so on. By the time you’ve built up to running for one or two miles, you’ll have settled into a routine and made steady progress toward a healthier lifestyle.

Developing a healthy lifestyle may entail limiting or eliminating some practises that aren’t ideal. You might, for instance, wish to modify your lifestyle by cutting back on alcoholic and tobacco products. Reducing your consumption of salt, soda, and sugary foods could be beneficial. Instead of punishing yourself by going on a strict diet, you could try committing to eating ‘fast food’ only three times per week. Once you’ve maintained that routine for a month or two, you can consider cutting back to three days a week. The keys to achievement are perseverance, setting of achievable goals, and the diligent monitoring of progress.

Start by creating a list of your goals, including both what you want to accomplish and what you want to cut back on. Do not attempt to juggle too many tasks at once. Instead, pick one thing you’d like to do, commit to doing a reasonable amount of it for a month, and see how it goes. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to run a mile on your first day, so pick an attainable chunk of your overall objective. Maintain your commitment, schedule, and habits for a full month. The following month, keep up the routine while also starting to cut back on one of the items on your list. Incorporate new, beneficial habits while gradually eliminating old, counterproductive ones.

Don’t feel overwhelmed by the fact that you can’t instantly alter everything. You can make more long-lasting changes to your life if you give yourself the time to take charge of your routines, alter your habits, and develop a healthy lifestyle. Overnight success with positive change can sometimes be followed by equally rapid reversion to the old, undesirable routine. Keeping long-term changes going requires a continuous commitment, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time.

Time to start making positive changes to your lifestyle. The time to begin is now. You can’t find a better time to begin than right now. Think of ways in which things could be improved in a positive way that are also easily achievable. Create a prioritised list of habits you’d like to manage, reduce, or phase out. Choose one behaviour to replace an old one, keep a habit journal for a month, and make the change permanent. Continue doing that as you start planning next month’s project. You have the rest of your life to create the kind of life you want to lead.

Healthy Eating For The Elderly


Many people think that you no longer have to worry about your diet once you reach a certain age. However, this could not be further from the truth. The elderly need as much care and attention regarding their eating as anyone else. In fact, there are some specific nutrients that they need to stay healthy and strong. Here is a guide to nutrition for the elderly.

Eating Healthy as You Age


As you age, the metabolism slows down, and you lose muscle mass. This means that you need fewer calories than you did younger. However, it does not mean that you can skimp on the nutrients. You still need to eat a variety of healthy foods to stay strong and healthy.

Fruits and vegetables are necessary for a healthy diet for the elderly. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help keep your body healthy. So aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Whole grains are also crucial for a healthy diet. However, they are rich in fiber, which helps to regulate digestion. They can also help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Choose whole-grain bread, cereals, and pasta whenever possible.

Protein is an essential nutrient for the elderly. It helps to keep muscles strong and can help to prevent osteoporosis. Many protein sources include poultry, fish, beans, and tofu. Aim for at least three servings of protein every day.

Fat is vital to a healthy diet, but choosing the right fat is essential. Unsaturated fats are healthy choices, such as those found in olive oil, nuts, and seeds. Trans fats and saturated fats need to avoid.

Energy Requirements

Although the elderly need fewer calories than younger adults, they still need to ensure they are getting enough energy. This is because many elderly people are less active than when they were younger.

One way to ensure you get enough energy is to eat more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day. This can help to increase your metabolism and help your body to better absorb the nutrients from your food.

An additional way to ensure you are getting enough energy is to choose foods that are high in calories but low in fat. This includes foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, and peanut butter.

Vitamins & Minerals

There are some precise vitamins and minerals that are important for the elderly. But calcium is an essential mineral for bone health. So it can be found in dairy products, dark leafy greens, and calcium-fortified foods.

Vitamin D is another crucial vitamin for the elderly. So it helps the body to absorb calcium and can help to prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish, fortified milk, and certain mushrooms.

Vitamin B12 is a vital vitamin for the elderly. It keeps the nervous system healthy and helps to prevent memory loss. Vitamin B12 can be found in poultry, fish, meat, and eggs.

How Important is Hydration?

Hydration is vital for everyone, but it is crucial for the elderly. This is because many elderly people are less active and may not feel thirsty even when dehydrated.

It is significant to ensure that you are drinking enough fluids throughout the day. Aim for 6-8 glasses of water or other fluids every day.

If you are not able to drink 6-8 glasses of fluids every day, there are other ways to stay hydrated. Eating vegetables and fruits with a high water content can help. And, drinking juices and eating soups can also help to increase your fluid intake.


Exercise is vital for everyone, but it is especially important for the elderly. Exercise can help to improve balance and coordination, which can help to prevent falls. It can also help to increase muscle mass and bone density.

There are many different types of exercises that are suitable for the elderly. These include walking, swimming, and Tai Chi. So it is important to find an exercise that you enjoy and that you can stick with.

Suppose you are not used to exercising, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. You should also talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

Eating Right for a Healthy Mind


The brain is a very important part of the body, and it needs to be healthy in order to function properly. Eating a healthy diet can help to keep the brain healthy and can help to prevent memory loss.

There are some precise nutrients that are important for the brain. These include omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants.

As we get older, it becomes even more important to eat a healthy diet. This is because our bodies become less efficient at absorbing nutrients from food. We also become more susceptible to chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Making sure that we are getting enough of the right nutrients can help to prevent these chronic diseases and can also help to keep our bodies functioning properly.

Burwood nursing home is a great place for the elderly to get the care and attention they need. The staff are experienced and qualified to deal with the specific needs of the elderly, and they offer a wide range of services.

Body Lift: What You Need To Know


Recently, more and more women and men are embracing cosmetic surgery. If you have some concern with your body that is affecting your confidence and self-esteem, you can get a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure to help sculpt a body that you can feel confident in. A full body lift, also known as a 360-degree body lift, combines techniques to get rid of excess skin on your body and achieve a contoured body shape.

A body lift will help if you have loose skin after weight loss. This can include back rolls and extra skin on the abdomen, lower buttocks, hips, and thighs. If you want a body lift, it is essential to know about the recovery times so you may take care of yourself and plan accordingly.

This article will examine everything you need to know about a body lift. The recovery times and how to prepare for a body lift.

Read on to learn more.

Preparing for a Body Lift

Ample homework is the key to a smooth body lift recovery time. Preparation for a body lift starts before you get on the table and is as crucial for your recovery.

Here are a few things you must do before your surgery to ensure a smooth recovery afterward.

  • It might be best to quit smoking at least six weeks pre-surgery to help your body heal faster after the procedure.
  • Keep hydrated, and daily drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water.
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications for a few weeks before the procedure, as it may lead to excessive bleeding during and after the surgery.
  • If your surgeon asks you to lose more weight before the surgery, you should follow their instructions.
  • Get someone to drive you home after the surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to help you around the house for at least for one-week post-surgery
  • Prepare your home for recovery, shop for groceries, and cook and freeze food before the procedure. You should also prepare your recovery room, get extra pillows, and place everything you need at arm’s length.
  • Get loose, comfortable clothes to wear during the body lift recovery time. If you do not have comfortable clothes, this would be an excellent time to go shopping.
  • Get all your lab work done in time, and ask your doctor any questions you may have about the procedure.

Recovery From Body Lift Surgery

A body lift recovery time is six to eight weeks. However, everyone is different, and some recovery may take more or less time depending on the patient’s age, health, and the extent of the procedure.

A body lift is a one-day surgery, and you go home after the procedure. The surgeon will observe you for at least an hour after the procedure and prescribe medication.

The first week after the procedure is the hardest. You will have extensive swelling and bruising and some pain and discomfort. The pain medication prescribed will come in handy at this time. It might help if you also got a lot of rest in the first week to help the healing process; however, ensure you walk around the house for at least fifteen minutes to avoid blood clotting.

Ensure you wear your compression garments for the first month to help with the swelling. A cold press will also help with the swelling during the first two weeks.

The swelling and bruising should have reduced significantly by the third and fourth week. And you may start seeing the results of the surgery. You may shorten the time you wear the compression garments, but you should continue with the daily walks.

At this time, some people can go back to non-strenuous work. If you work a desk job, get up and walk around the office for at least five minutes now and then.

By the fifth and sixth week of your body lift recovery, you will see more of the surgery results as the swelling will have significantly reduced and the incisions healed.

You may also start your exercise but avoid heavy lifting until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Body Lift Surgery?

A body lift recovery takes at least six to eight weeks.

What Are the Possible Complications of a Full Body Lift?

Like any other surgery, a body lift procedure has its risks. Some of the possible complications include:

  • Bleeding
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Body numbness
  • Blood clotting

Am I a Good Candidate for a Body Lift?

You are a good candidate for a body lift if you:

  • Are healthy
  • Are non-smoker
  • Have a stable body weight
  • Have loose, excess skin on your lower body
  • Re able to take at least two to three weeks off work to recover
  • Have a realistic expectation of the surgery outcome

What Areas Does a Body Lift Target?

A 360-degree body lift target several areas, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Flanks
  • Lower back
  • Outer thighs

Why Exercise is Taught in Addiction Recovery


For people in addiction recovery, exercise can be a powerful tool. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and promote overall physical and mental well-being.

Exercise to Fight Addiction

Exercise has shown to be an effective treatment for addiction. In one study, people who participated in a 12-week exercise program were more likely to stay sober than those who didn’t exercise.

Exercise can also help people in recovery maintain their sobriety in the long term. One study found that people who exercised regularly were less likely to relapse than those who didn’t exercise.

There are many different ways to get started with exercising. You don’t have to join a gym or start running marathons. So just thirty minutes of moderate exercise a day can make a difference. Walking, biking, swimming, and even dancing are all great ways to get moving.

These are all easy ways to get the body moving and the blood flowing, from there you can look into different avenues and exercise regimens to continue to hit your daily or weekly goals.

One effective route you can go is hiring a personal trainer to not only help with deciding what exercises to do but even help with nutrition as well. Not only will this help keep your mind off of urges and cravings to use drugs, it will also help you make leaps and bounds toward your long-term physical health goals as well.

All of what we’ve talked about will help to improve your physical health, but many people don’t consider the strong mental health benefits that come from exercise. Let’s take a closer look at that really quickly.

Exercise for Mental Health

When you’re addicted to drugs, your body and brain are going through some serious changes. Drugs alter the way that your brain produces and uses neurotransmitters, which can lead to all sorts of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and even psychosis.

Exercise has been shown to be an effective way to mitigate these mental health issues. It does this in a few different ways. For one, exercise helps to produce endorphins, which are natural chemicals that help improve mood. It also helps to reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, and increase feelings of self-esteem and self-efficacy.

In other words, exercise can help give you the strength you need to combat addiction-related mental health issues both during and following treatment.

Get Help Today

At the end of the day, exercise can be a godsend when it comes to overcoming substance abuse problems. That said, exercise isn’t the end all be all of the addiction treatment, it needs to be a complimentary type of treatment used alongside counselling and professional addiction treatment services.

If you’re struggling with addiction, it is vital to seek out a professional rehab program to help you. If you are looking for treatment in California, there are many options available, like Renaissance Recovery, go now to learn more.

Dos and Don’ts Before Breast Augmentation


Breast augmentation is one of the popular plastic surgeries as more and more women want desired breast look and shape. In 2019, plastic surgeons in the United States performed approximately 287,085 breast augmentation procedures. Women who want to achieve natural-looking breasts may consider this cosmetic process, but there’s a need to prepare before the big day. What are the dos and don’ts before breast augmentation? Read this guide for more insights.

Dos Before Breast Augmentation

Choose Plastic Surgeon Carefully

One of the most significant things to do before the procedure is finding the right professional. Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery, but there’s a need to go for an expert who can offer personalized services.

A qualified and experienced professional will evaluate an individual’s situation and offer the best service according to needs and expectations. Here are critical considerations when choosing a plastic surgeon:

  • Board certification
  • Great personality
  • Experience

For a customized procedure and exceptional experience, Breast augmentation can be good.

Consult with a Professional

After finding a reliable cosmetic surgery professional, a patient should schedule a quick consultation. This is an opportunity to know whether someone qualifies for the procedure.

During the consultation, the surgeon will be seeking to understand a few things. They’ll ask questions to uncover the individual’s medical history, expectations after the procedure, and whether they qualify.

Ask about Breast Lift Possibility

Implants are great for improving breast shape and adding fullness, but they might not correct sagging breasts. Women who have this issue should ask their professionals whether they’re fit for a breast lift. An expert can combine the two procedures to ensure the best results. Breast lift surgery can help you:

Eat Healthy Foods

Experts advise eating a healthy diet when getting ready for surgery or recovering. Patients should consider a nutritious diet and avoid junk foods. Empty calories, salty or sugary snacks will not do great to prepare for breast augmentation.

Understand the Available Options

Silicone and saline breast implants come in a wide variety, and a patient needs to select an appropriate choice. During the initial consultation, patients should evaluate the available options.

A professional will guide you through different shapes, sizes, and placements to ensure satisfying results. Implants placement depends on an individual’s preferences, goals, and implant type.

Prepare and Plan

Find time off work and arrange for the necessary support. These may include driving, shopping, childcare, and housework. A patient should ensure someone responsible can drive them to and from the facility.

Gather Essential Recovery Tools

Recovery takes some time, and it’s vital to prepare appropriately for a smooth transition. Patients will need to collect essential items to use throughout the recovery. These may include lip balm, bottled water, and tissues. Baby wipes will help to freshen up.

Ask the surgeon whether any prescription supplements, medication, or products are necessary. For example, a digital thermometer will come in handy as patients need to monitor their temperatures after the surgery.

Fever might signify an infection, and it’s critical to communicate with the professional immediately. Before the surgery, patients should gather everything since they’ll need to rest during recovery.

Get Your Wardrobe Ready

Remember, you’ll say goodbye to your outfits for a few weeks after the surgery. Before breast augmentation, stock your wardrobe with comfortable clothes, including loose-fitting t-shirts and tops.

For the best experience, invest in button-down shirts. These are easier to remove without restraining your arms. Clothes with breathable fabrics will also come in handy, especially when you’re outdoors during sunny weather.

Don’ts Before Breast Augmentation Surgery

Get the Surgery for the Wrong Reasons

Patients should get their priorities right when considering breast augmentation to avoid doing it for the wrong reasons. Discuss everything with your plastic surgeon and inform them why you want it. They’ll advise you accordingly to ensure everything goes well.

The decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery should be to enhance confidence. Patients should focus on how they’ll feel and look after the surgery and not impressing others.

Eat or Drink a Few Hours Before the Surgery

All surgeries require an empty stomach, meaning an individual should not take any food or beverage a few hours before the procedure. As part of your preparation, eat your dinner early and don’t consume anything throughout the night.


Smoking can impact a patient’s recovery phase. A person should be nicotine-free for a considerable period (Like four weeks) before the surgery. They should also avoid nicotine products a few weeks before breast augmentation.

These include marijuana, vapes, e-cigarettes, and other nicotine-based products. Smoking can heavily influence how you recover. A qualified plastic surgeon may also advise not to:

  • Use herbal medicine several days before the surgery
  • Use other recreational drugs shortly before or on the day of the surgery

Engage a Qualified Breast Augmentation Surgeon Today

Many women worldwide consider breast augmentation surgery because it helps them get desired breast size and shape. Sounds interesting? Contact Dr. Kimberly Henry for consultation.

Your Ultimate Guide to Your Breast Revision Options


A secondary plastic surgery procedure is never anticipated when you go in for the initial surgery; however, it is not unusual for patients to need a revision or touch-up procedure, especially for surgery like breast augmentation.

This is due to a number of reasons. However, breast revision procedures are available to restore or correct your ideal breast appearance.

Reasons for Undergoing a Breast Revision

Breast revision is a collective term for a series of breast enhancement techniques. While most of these techniques are used to remove and/or replace breast implants, breast revision can also be used after breast lift or breast reduction to improve upon the results of the initial surgery or correct further aesthetic changes due to weight fluctuation like those caused by massive weight loss or pregnancy.

Some common reasons to undergo breast implant removal or breast revision after breast augmentation include:

  • Age of the implant: It may surprise you to hear this, but breast implants are not designed to last forever. While there is never any guarantee, most implants are known to last for 10 to 15 years. That being said, some implants have been known to last much longer than that; however, others need to replace their implant much sooner due to one of the following complications.
  • Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture is an implant complication that occurs when the scar tissue that develops around a newly placed implant hardens and contracts, thereby squeezing the implant. This causes aesthetic distortion and physical pain.
  • Implant rupture: Even though breast implants are designed to withstand a significant amount of pressure and trauma, it is possible for an implant to rupture (which occurs when the silicone shell weakens and develops a tear). Saline ruptures are noticeable immediately, but silicone ruptures are often only detected with an MRI or ultrasound. Fortunately, modern silicone implants are designed with a cohesive silicone gel that prevents the silicone from escaping from the shell and entering the body.
  • Implant displacement: This occurs when one or both implants moves out of the designated breast pocket. This implant can drop below the breast crease (double bubble deformity), fall to the bottom of the breast (bottoming out), or move toward the center of the chest (symmastia).
  • Change in aesthetic desire: It is not uncommon for women to desire a change in breast implant size. Breast revision is performed to swap implants out for a larger or smaller size, depending on current aesthetic preference.
  • BII or BIA–ALCL: Breast implant illness (BII) is a term used for a collection of symptoms thought to be linked to breast implants. While this is not a verified condition in the medical community, women who feel as though they suffer from BII often experience autoimmune systems including fatigue, joint pain, headaches, brain fog, and depression.

Alternatively, breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a verified type of lymphoma (NOT breast cancer) that develops in the scar tissue that surrounds the implant. This very rare condition is most often linked to specific brands of textured breast implants.

Breast Revision Techniques

Breast revision procedures can involve one or many or the following. Common breast revision options in Fulshear, TX, include:

  • Simple implant removal (without replacement): Here, the implant is removed (often using the incision from your initial breast augmentation) and the breast pocket is tightened. The incision is closed with sutures and wrapped in dressings. A breast lift is often beneficial with this technique.
  • Implant removal (with replacement): After the breast implant is removed, the breast pocket is cleaned and a new implant is inserted.
  • Capsulectomy: Women experiencing capsular contracture or other complications often need to undergo a capsulectomy. This is when the scar tissue that surrounds the implant is also removed. This can be a partial capsulectomy (where only some of the scar tissue is removed); a total capsulectomy (where all of the scar tissue is removed separately from the implant, or en bloc capsulectomy (where the scar tissue and implant is removed in one piece).
  • Breast lift surgery: Breast lift surgery is performed to elevate sagging breasts by tightening breast tissue and removing excess skin. This is common for patients who need to address age-related breast laxity or those who have chosen to remove their implants permanently since the implant will have likely stretched the skin and tissues.
  • Fat transfer to the breasts: Fat is harvested from your body (usually from the abdomen, hips, or thighs), purified, and injected back into the breasts to help create more fullness. This allows for the most natural look and feels (since the augmenting material is your natural fat) but it only allows for a small increase in size.

Customizable Procedures for You

The best part of breast revision is that it is tailored to your needs. A board-certified plastic surgeon can help guide you through your options during a consultation.

8 Mind-Blowing Benefits of Strong Mental Health


Mental health should be given just as much—if not more—importance as physical health. They always go together in making sure you can function properly every day.

Taking care of your mental health is much easier said than done. But the good news is that you can always take it slow. Try taking baby steps such as resisting the urge to just lay in bed all day.

Having strong mental health allows you to accomplish more things daily and generally keeps you in a better mood. Here are eight benefits of taking care of your mental health.

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercising isn’t great only for your body and physical well-being. Working towards getting your blood to flow properly throughout your body has also proven to improve your mental health and make it stronger.

Jogging around for an hour every day can already strengthen your mental state by a lot. Exercising helps you think clearly. It improves your focus and makes you more level-headed especially when you have an important decision to make.

Mental health issues do affect your memory and perception negatively. You can literally forget things or remember memories differently. But with exercise, you can slowly make your memory sharper.

With good blood flow, you’ll also get to have more energy to power through the day. You’ll feel less exhausted and more motivated to work on your deliverables and finish your tasks. Exercising also helps you sleep better. And when you’ve had a good sleep, you’ll also feel more energized. It’s a cycle that you definitely want to keep being in.

Exercise can also help reduce stress and anxiety. People who exercise have reported that they feel less stressed and nervous. That’s because exercise helps release happy hormones like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. It also helps reduce cortisol levels which are responsible for stress.

Exercising is not a cure for mental health issues, but it does help in making things better. Take care of your mind and body, and the rest will follow.

How Music Can Improve Your Mental Health

Music could have a positive impact on your mental well-being. There are a lot of studies that back up this claim.

Music can be associated with certain emotions. Remember the song that was playing while you were at a party enjoying yourself with your friends? Or maybe that one song you danced to with your crush at prom.

Whatever it is, listening to the same song again could help bring back the positive feeling you’ve associated with these memories. Even when it’s only playing in the background, your “happy jams” have the power to put you in a better mood.

Some therapists might also recommend actively listening to music. Instead of leaving it to play in the background, you might want to try setting aside some time to listen to music. Really focus on the lyrics or the emotions it evokes in you.

Doing so helps you take control of your feelings and thoughts, especially when you’re feeling a bit helpless. Focusing on interpreting the message of a song could make you realize that you’re still the one who decides how you get to feel about it.

And once you get this extra assurance or validation, you just might feel more confident and empowered to accomplish the tasks you have to do.

Why Yoga is Great for Mental Health

Doing yoga is much like exercising. But rather than activity and continuous movement, yoga focuses more on relaxing your body and bringing you inner peace.

As you grow older, it’s inevitable that your brain also slowly declines age. But studies have shown that yoga can decelerate the brain’s natural ageing process.

People who do yoga have better memory retention and cognitive skills compared to people their age who don’t engage in the activity. Yoga improves your focus and concentration so that you can work on your tasks efficiently.

Yoga brings you peace. It’s movement paired with meditation. And it could be highly therapeutic. When you have inner peace, your mood also follows and improves. You’ll feel less stressed and happier.

Chaotic and intrusive thoughts can mess with your head and affect your overall well-being. The challenge lies in being able to calm these thoughts and manage your emotions.

Yoga doesn’t magically make your problems disappear. Rather, it helps you breathe for a moment so that you can come back to your thoughts and be your own voice of reason. It keeps you from being overwhelmed by all the things happening around you.

You’ll also feel brave enough to tackle problems head-on instead of letting them paralyze you. Having strong mental health means you won’t have much problem dealing with things on your own. And you’ll be less likely to ignore them or procrastinate solving them.

Prioritizing Your Mental Health


One of the greatest challenges in prioritizing your mental health is the lack of motivation to do anything. These crippling thoughts and emotions are enough to weigh you down and make you unable to do or accomplish anything.

If it gets too overwhelming, just know that you’re doing well. Because sometimes, getting out of bed is already more than enough.

The key is not losing hope that things will get better. You have to recognize that all this is temporary and that it’s never too late to start taking control of your life again.

To recap, here are some benefits of having strong mental health:

  • It helps you think more clearly and have better focus in doing everyday tasks.
  • It helps sharpen your memory so you can work more efficiently.
  • It gives you an energy boost to power through the day.
  • It helps you sleep better and feel less exhausted when you wake up.
  • It helps reduce stress and anxiety so that you won’t feel overwhelmed by the things happening around you.
  • It also puts you in a better mood overall.
  • It helps you feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions.
  • It calms you down enough to give you the courage to face your problems instead of running away from them and letting them paralyze you.

If ever you find yourself needing assistance with regards to your mental health, look into some youth and family mental health services. Don’t be afraid to ask for help where you need it. Recognizing that you need help is already a big step towards healing. You should be proud of yourself for acknowledging it and wanting to get better

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