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Benefits Of Cinnamon With Honey


To obtain the benefits of these two ingredients, we must remember that the amount of cinnamon must always be half that of honey, taking into account the weight of each one.

Today in our space, we want to remind you of something that your grandparents already told you: «Take a tablespoon of cinnamon with honey and take care of your health.

And it is not necessary to be a faithful follower of natural medicine to realize that nature, always wise, sometimes put within our reach great remedies for specific ailments.

Sometimes, lifestyle makes us turn to the classic vitamins of a pharmacy. This, according to this study, due to the high demand for stress. On the other hand, we do not try to maintain an adequate, balanced, and, above all, conscious diet.

For this reason, we want to recommend a natural remedy that can help you take care of your health. This, together with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, can be very beneficial for our body.

Do you put it into practice today? We give you good reasons to do so.

Cinnamon With Honey: Is It An Ally For The Heart?

It said that if you want to take full advantage of its benefits, it is good to make it in the morning.
In this way, and if we are always in it, our heart health will thank you for several reasons:

  • Honey and cinnamon are two foods with anti-inflammatory properties that take care of the health of our veins and arteries. Thus, they can help us alleviate ailments, such as hypertension.
  • Thanks to its antioxidant and other nutrient content, cinnamon infused honey can help us reduce bad cholesterol.

So, we can say that even though these natural alternatives must go hand in hand with a balanced diet and also exercising continuously, they can contribute significantly to our health.

Does It Help Us To Have Better Digestion?

If you usually suffer from some acidity and your digestion is also quite slow, do not hesitate to follow this simple advice:

  • Consume a tablespoon of honey (25 g) with a tablespoon of cinnamon (5 g) sprinkled on top 20 minutes before your meals.

Cinnamon can help us stimulate the production of gastric juices, promoting digestion. Thus, thanks to cinnamon with honey, you will be able to digest dense foods more quickly, such as meat.

Besides, due to their anti-inflammatory properties, they can also help take care of the walls of our stomach, while preventing inflammation.

Likewise, cinnamon is also a diuretic. Thus, it will help your intestines to be freer of toxins and yeasts.

Cinnamon With Honey To Help Lose Weight?

  • It is essential to start by saying that it is not that cinnamon honey alone favors the loss of body fat. That is, the loss of body fat faithfully obeys a convergence of biological, hereditary, and practical factors, where the quality of the food we eat, exercise, and rest come into play.
  • According to popular wisdom, if you intend to lose those extra kilos, you can not forget to consume 1 tablespoon of cinnamon with honey on an empty stomach followed by a glass of water. Then, allow half an hour to pass before starting your breakfast usually.

Thanks to its components, such as vitamin B1, they can help you promote carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, cinnamon with honey can be a great ally to lose weight.

Also, For Pimples And Blackheads

Until now, there are only different websites where forums and debates found on whether this could help the removal of impurities in the face; that is, no study published to support this theory. Despite this, many beauty treatments usually include it as a support for various natural alternatives.

Thus, popular wisdom suggests that at home, we have a natural antibiotic that is very useful for this type of specific problem. To make that granite or those pimples disappear, it believed that you would only have to make a small filling with cinnamon and honey. Then you put on it to the affected area and let it act for half an hour. To finish, rinse with warm water, and that’s it.

Cinnamon With Honey To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Various research carried out from the University of Copenhagen revealed that something as simple as combining cinnamon with honey reduces arthritis-related pain.

In addition to this, this study can be mentioned, which talks about the analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions of cinnamon based on its ethanolic extracts, demonstrated its analgesic effect through dependent doses in mice.

So, for this, we have to be constant and take it for at least a 1 to see results. So, follow this advice to find relief if it is your case.

How to Prepare it

  • 25 g of honey (one tablespoon).
  • 5 g of cinnamon powder (one teaspoon).

It’s just about combining cinnamon with honey in a tablespoon. Always remember that the amount of cinnamon must be half of the honey.

We will take this excellent remedy every morning on an empty stomach. It is worth a try.

Cinnamon With Honey To Take Care Of Our Natural Beauty

When one is right on the inside, it shows on the outside. And something as easy as taking cinnamon with honey every day allows us to combat cell oxidation.

This is due to the antioxidant content of both cinnamon and honey. These are said to help fight free radicals that attack our health.

If you want to fight against oxidation, inflammation and also improve the elasticity of your skin, take note of this excellent advice.

Remember, it is only part of a natural treatment that must go in parallel with other skincare and a balanced diet.


  • 25 g of honey (one tablespoon)
  • 5 g of cinnamon powder (one teaspoon)
  • 1 glass of water


  • The first thing you should do is heat that glass of water. It should be warm, never cold or excessively hot. Then, dissolve that tablespoon of honey and cinnamon in it and consume it on an empty stomach every day.
  • At first, you probably notice that your digestions improve, that you retain fewer fluids and that you feel lighter. Thus, day by day, that inner balance can begin to be reflected in your skin. Now you have seen the benefits that cinnamon and honey, we hope you incorporate them into your diet. These can be great allies for your health.

Which Is Best Neural Therapy?

Neural therapy is a growing therapy that seeks to treat disorders of the body’s electrical system. It aims to provide solutions to complex health problems, such as neuropathic pain, through the use of local anesthetics.

Neural therapy is a technique that has only recently been on the rise. It focuses on treating diseases caused by disorders in the body’s electrical system that runs throughout the body. These electrical syndromes are known as interfering fields.

The interference fields can be found in the organs, nodes, skin, and virtually anywhere on the body. These types of disorders, for a long time, not been taken into account by medicine or have been undervalued.

Neural therapy would help restore the normal functioning of the nervous system, according to its principles. In this way, it tends to accelerate the recovery of numerous pathology that, with conservative treatments, do not advance in improvements.

To this day, this treatment still represents an open front in medicine and research. In this article, we explain what neural therapy consists of and what it mainly used for.

What Does Neural Therapy Consist Of?

The nervous system is a set of cells that specialize in conducting electrical signals. It is responsible for directing and controlling much of the functions that take place in the body. In the same way, it helps to maintain an internal body balance and with the surroundings.

The nervous system, like some other part of the body, is vulnerable to injury or infection. For example, it damaged by trauma or surgery. Naturally, if it is a small injury, this system can react fine and get better.

Though, when the wound is too damaging or continued, the nervous system can be damage indefinitely. When this occurs, a series of sensations produced, such as pain, which does not have a visible focus with the naked eye and does not yield to regular treatments.

This is where neural therapy comes in, seeking to restore normal nervous system function. In other words, help repair those injuries that occur in driving ways. In this way, it would stop the pain, for example.

Neuropathic pain would be a field of action for neural therapy.

How The Neural Treatment Performed?

Neural therapy involves injecting a local anesthetic into areas where a neural injury may exist. Typically, the drugs used are procaine or lidocaine. Small diluted amounts injected into saline.

In numerous cases, there is a fast improvement in pain. However, other people react differently. For example, some patients feel much more energy, but others suffer heavy fatigue for days.

The ideal is to carry out a subsequent follow-up of the patient. It done about a month after giving the injections. It may take numerous injections to achieve the desired effect of neural therapy.

What Is Neural Therapy For?

Neural therapy can be useful as a treatment for numerous pathologies, especially when it comes to cases of chronic pain or inflammation, for example, in diseases such as low back pain, cervical pain, and tendinitis.

On the other hand, it used for more complex conditions such as fibromyalgia. It used to treat cases of Crohn’s disease and certain mood disorders that somatized.

Neural therapy, although it may seem complicated, could also be used in children. This requires the parents to give their consent. It used to treat recurrent infections like bronchitis, cystitis, and even gastroenteritis.

To Take Into Account

The fact is that to use neural therapy, and many aspects need to take into account. Besides, it must always be a specialist who performs it. Therefore, it is essential to inform and study each case well adequately. The doctor help decides if it used or not.

Having Trouble With Your Cataracts Surgery


If you have cataracts, you’re not alone. So this is a common cause of vision loss in people over age 40. But there’s no need to worry. Cataract surgery is a safe and effective way to treat cataracts and improve your vision. So if you are considering cataract surgery, you should contact harishrajalasik.com. They can provide you with all the information you need about the procedure and the risks involved.

Still, you may have some questions about the surgery. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about cataract surgery, along with answers from our team of expert surgeons:

4 Common FAQs About Cataract Surgery

What is Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is a medical procedure used to treat cataracts. The basic principle behind cataract surgery is quite simple: the cloudy lens is removed from the eye and replaced with a clear artificial lens.

However, the surgery itself is pretty complex, and it requires a great deal of skill and experience on the surgeon’s part. You can use different techniques to perform cataract surgery, and the type of surgery that is right for a particular patient will depend on several factors.

Phacoemulsification is the most common type of cataract surgery. This technique involves making a small incision in the eye and then using ultrasonic waves to break up and remove the cataract. This technique is less invasive than some of the other options, and it typically results in a quicker recovery time for the patient.

Extracapsular extraction is a more invasive type of surgery, and it involves making a larger incision in the eye to remove the cataract. This type of surgery is usually reserved for cases where the cataract is particularly large or difficult to remove. Recovery times are typically longer after this type of surgery, and there is a greater risk of complications.

What Are the Risks of Cataract Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with cataract surgery. First off, there is a risk of infection. It can happen during, and after the surgery, so it’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions regarding care and hygiene. There is also a risk of bleeding during or after the surgery. However, in rare cases, this can lead to severe complications.

Finally, there is a small risk that the artificial lens implanted during surgery will become dislodged. It usually happens within the first few months after surgery and can be corrected with another procedure.

That said, cataract surgery is generally considered very safe—the vast majority of patients who undergo the surgery experience no complications. So if you’re considering cataract surgery, the odds are that it’s a very safe decision.

When Should I Have Cataract Surgery?

When the cataract starts to get in the way of your vision, it’s as simple as that. For example, if you’re having trouble reading or driving at night, it might be time for surgery. Consult with your ophthalmologist to see if surgery is right for you.  If you don’t have one, a simple Google search of ‘cataract surgery near me’ will give you many options to explore.

What Can I Expect After Cataract Surgery Near Me?

Most people experience significant improvements in their vision after surgery. You may need to wear glasses or contact lenses for reading or other activities, but many people can see well enough without them. You should avoid driving or operating machinery for the first day or two after surgery. And be sure to protect your eyes from sunlight and UV light by wearing sunglasses outdoors.

Ready to Restore the Glory of Your Vision?

Cataract surgery is a safe and effective way to treat cataracts and improve your vision. If you have any questions about the procedure, ask your surgeon. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you make the best decision for your situation.

4 Ways Health Insurance Protects You


Health insurance is an essential resource to protect you and your health. From preventative care with a primary care physician to caring for minor injuries with urgent care in Lexington, KY to essential care for life-threatening injuries in the emergency room, health insurance protects you in more ways than one. Read on to learn why you need health insurance to keep you and your loved ones protected.

Financial Protection

The strongest case for the need for health insurance is the financial protection it provides. Without health insurance, healthcare is incredibly expensive. You can expect to pay up to 80% more for medical services without insurance.

While preventative care, such as seeing a primary care physician, will be more expensive without insurance, the biggest financial burden you run into will be when the unexpected happens.

Accidents and illnesses can’t be planned for and when they happen, they can be costly. And because you haven’t planned for it, you could end up with medical debt.

Medical debt is one of the most common types of debt people hold. It can create a huge financial burden for families and can be debilitating to their quality of life.

To avoid finding yourself saddled with large medical bills, health insurance can help.

You will pay significantly less for care and get the financial support you need in the event of an unplanned medical expense.

Preventative Health Protection

Preventative care helps you maintain your health and wellness. With health insurance, you’re covered with annual checkups by your primary care physician, vaccines and immunizations, health screenings, and more.

All of these services are essential in staying healthy. You protect yourself from illnesses and can increase the chances of early detection of health issues.

With medical conditions, early detection is always best.

A primary care physician will also be there as a sounding board to recommend other forms of medical care and health practices you need to maintain your wellness.

If you do need specialized services, you often need to have a referral to get an appointment. That’s where your doctor comes in.

They are a great resource for helping you find the medical support you need to stay healthy.

With health insurance, these services are affordable and often covered.

If you do have to pay for any preventative services, it’s likely the cost of your copay, which is significantly lower than what you would expect to pay if you did not have health insurance.

Protected Health Benefits

Protected Health Benefits

While general preventative health is essential, there are some health services you need in addition to seeing a primary care physician. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACT), health insurance companies are required to offer comprehensive services to help individuals maintain proper health. This includes:

  • Chronic disease management services
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health services
  • Outpatient services (also called ambulatory patient services)
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
  • Laboratory services
  • Pediatric services

For full, well-rounded health protection, these services are a piece of managing your health.

Having a primary care physician is great, but they can’t always provide other essential, specialized services you need to manage your health.

If you or a member of your family require any of these services, having health insurance is essential. Otherwise, the cost would come out of pocket and expenses will add up quickly.

Protects Peace of Mind

Most people deal with stress in their lives in some shape or form, particularly financial stress.

Health insurance offers you peace of mind that if something tragic occurs, you and your family will be protected.

The protection comes in the form of financial protection, so you don’t have to be concerned about building up tons of medical debt.

You can feel safe in the fact that health insurance offers quality health services for your family.

Without insurance, your concern might be in finding the cheapest solution. With insurance, you can find quality healthcare professionals in your network to provide medical services to your family.

It is impossible to predict when a horrific accident or life-altering medical condition will happen.

It may never happen, in which case you should count yourself lucky. But there’s always that possibility.

Instead of stressing out about what you will do if something happens, you can rest assured that as long as you have health insurance, you’ll be able to manage whatever happens.


While health insurance is technically optional, it’s not something that you should put on the back burner.

To live a long, healthy life, you need to take care of your body and your mind. Health insurance helps you do that with quality preventative care and financial support.

10 Types Of Headaches And How To Treat Them

Experiencing even a minor headache can cause irritation. This is because headaches might seem like a common or general thing, but they should be taken seriously. There are various types of headaches that different people deal with. Nonetheless, there are different causes and symptoms. Chiropractic treatment includes treatment of headaches as well along with other doctors who deal with this. To make you familiar with the different types of headaches, we have mentioned 10 of them below and different ways to treat them.

Migraine Headaches

When one experienced a dull throb or service pain on one side of the head, it is a migraine. High sensitivity to light, noise, and smell are common symptoms that a person suffering from a migraine headache might feel. There are many different causes of migraines. Some of them are dehydration, sleep disruption, hormonal changes, sensitivity to light, noise, skipped meals, etc. If you want to get quick relief from migraine, then you should immediately schedule your appointment and get the best iv therapy for migraine at your home or office. Dehydration occurs when your body doesn’t get enough fluids. There are various treatments one can use like taking medicines like ibuprofen and aspirin. A doctor can accurately diagnose migraines in various ways.

Cluster Headaches

This type of headache extremely hurt and continue for a long. An intense burn or a piercing pain is felt behind the eye or around it by people. They are mostly sudden and can occur in clusters. It can continue for weeks or even months. They are more likely to occur in people who smoke regularly. The causes are although not very clear. Various treatments have been referred to while treating cluster headaches in chiropractic care centres. Some treatments include the use of sumatriptan, topiramate, steroids, etc.

Hypnic Headaches

It is a rare form of headache and usually occurs in people around 50 years of age or near it. They are also known as alarm clock headaches. This is because they occur suddenly in the middle of a person sleeping. It is experienced on both sides of the head and is dull throbbing pain. They are mostly harmless but one should refer to doctors in case they persist for a continuous time. Doctors will provide their patients with various types of pain killers and other relaxing therapies.

Exertional Headaches

People who perform rigorous training and exercises every day are most likely to suffer from exertional headaches. An exertional headache does not last for long, however, they should be consulted with a doctor if they exist continuously. Contacting a doctor for chiropractic treatment is also a great idea. Such type of headaches are most commonly treated with pain killers and other relaxation techniques and therapies. People are also suggested to lower their exercise schedule.

Tension Headaches

Tension Headaches

People suffering from a tension headache are most likely to experience dull, constant pain on both sides of the head. It is an extremely common type of headache amongst people. If home remedies like ice packs and complete rest do not work, refer to a professional. They will provide you with different pain killers to help you provide relief. They will also suggest measures and a daily health plan so that you can avoid future headaches. This is necessary as tension headaches are common and can occur daily if not treated properly at once.

Sinus Headaches

This type of headache is caused due to sinusitis. It is a condition that results in swelling of glands mostly due to allergies or an infection. People who are experiencing a sinus headache will feel it as a throbbing ache in their eyes, cheeks, and forehead. This pain can even spread to other areas. Referring to chiropractic care is a great option if the pain continues for several days. Professionals will provide you treatments like physical therapies and pain killers. They will also plan a nutritional diet plan for you to avoid consuming things you are allergic to.

Medication-Overuse Headache

A person consuming a lot of medicines or overdosing is most likely to experience a medication-overuse headache. They can stay treated with common painkillers but can recur again if not treated properly and at a time. Treatments include avoidance of codeine use, taking painkillers only two times every week, and using preventive medicines for chronic migraines. Different professionals also refer to many therapies and other such methods to prevent people from overdosing.

Head-Injury Headaches

This type of headache remains more commonly caused by minor bumps and blows to the head. This is common as a person can experience minor falls and accidents in his/her life. However, treating them is important. Taking a chiropractic treatment or visiting other professionals are some good ideas to help deal with pain. Treatments can include conducting proper scans and using them to diagnose the problem. Painkillers and other such medications remain also used.

Menstrual Headaches

Hormonal levels can also cause headaches. Women generally experience this type of headache as their hormonal levels continuously change because of their periods. This type of headache is most generally when a female is about to have or is currently going through her menstrual cycle. There are various therapies that professionals use to treat them. Some therapies include hormonal therapy, taking a triptan or painkiller during periods, alternative oral contraception, and hormone replacement therapy.

Hangover Headaches

This type of headache occurs when someone drinks and smokes a lot. These headaches usually occur the day after. Pain like a throbbing experience is felt on both sides of the head. One can also experience sensitivity to noise and light while experiencing this. There are no treatments as such but professionals recommend drinking at low levels, not drinking on an empty stomach, and drinking water between drinks. These types of headaches remain also commonly cured by taking painkillers.

Chiropractic care can be one of the important things that a person should keep in mind if he/she is suffering a headache. Every person’s body is different. The environment we live in, our work, the stress or tension in our life, our daily routine, our eating habits, etc., affect a lot of these symptoms and causes. They should stay treated immediately. If one remains getting relieved from one’s pain through home remedies, one should try those. However, if they are still not going away, referring a doctor is the best thing.

How Does Lupus Affect the Kidneys?

Lupus is a relatively complex chronic autoimmune disease. It consists of the immune system attacking the tissues of your own body, causing an inflammatory process. It can affect any part, such as the skin, joints, or kidneys.

Unfortunately, the incidence of lupus has increased in recent years. It estimated that it affects 9 out of every 10,000 inhabitants. The problem is that this disease can manifest itself in many different ways, so diagnosing it is sometimes involved.

Though numerous people are unaware of it, the kidneys are one of the organs most damaged by this pathology. In this article, we explain how lupus affects the kidneys and what consequences it can have.

What is Lupus?

As we have already mentioned, lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease. What happens is that the immune system attacks the tissues of our own body. Despite the investigations, currently, its cause is unidentified. What known is a certain genetic predisposition to suffer from it. Besides, several factors identified that could trigger it, such as sunlight, infections, or certain medications.

It is a pathology that occurs in the form of outbreaks. That is, they are episodes in which symptoms worsen, but then disappear for a season. As it can affect different tissues, the symptoms and signs that expressed are very varied.The best-known sign is the rash on the skin of the face, in the form of butterfly wings. However, it is essential to know that not all people express it. Other symptoms are fever, tiredness, or joint pain.

How does Lupus Affect the Kidneys?

As we pointed out at the beginning, the kidney is one of the organs most affected by lupus. This condition is called lupus nephritis. It estimated that it affects almost 50% of people with this pathology. It is the main cause of mortality in these patients.

Lupus causes kidney structures to become inflamed, allowing blood to leak, called nephrons. When this occurs, the kidneys cannot properly eliminate or purify our blood, nor can they control the balance of body fluids.

Most often, kidney involvement occurs in the first five years of illness. The problem is that at first, the symptoms are very mild and nonspecific. This causes the diagnosis delayed and then the treatment to be more complicated.

What Symptoms Appear?

As the kidneys cannot function properly, what happens is that fluid retention occurs. At first, the most frequent symptoms are edema in the legs or feet, and even on the eyelids.

Besides, blood often appears in the urine or is frothy. Similarly, an increase in blood pressure occurs, and nocturia appears, which is the fact of getting up at night to urinate.

What Consequences Can it Have?

If not detected early, lupus nephritis progresses and causes irreversible damage to the kidneys. This causes chronic kidney failure that may end in the need for a kidney transplant.

However, there are more and more effective treatments available to manage this problem. For example, corticosteroids or immunosuppressants used to curb the disease. However, early diagnosis is still essential.

What we must remember is that lupus is a very heterogeneous disease and that the kidney is one of the most affected organs. For this reason, any symptoms must go to the doctor quickly.

Your Nutritional Needs Change As You Age: Here’s What To Eat


With age comes many changes. Your sleep schedule shifts, your body requires different types of exercise, and you may be noticing wrinkles, age spots, and skin tags. But one of the biggest changes is how your appetite and nutritional needs change as you get older.

A slight decrease in appetite is generally considered a normal part of aging. Physical activity tends to decrease with seniors, and they don’t need to consume as many calories to power through the day. But what they need from those calories also changes.

Healthier eating is an essential part of independent senior living, and it’s a major concern for seniors who struggle with mobility, arthritis, or other conditions that make it harder to shop, cook, and clean up afterward.

It’s one of the most common reasons for seniors to move into senior living communities. They don’t have to worry about cooking, they can enjoy healthy meals for seniors, and they can keep living independently.

How Seniors’ Nutritional Needs Change

Nutritional needs evolve with age. Seniors’ diets should include:

  • More foods that are rich in fiber;
  • More water to help stay hydrated, even when they’re not thirsty;
  • Vitamin and mineral-rich foods help the brain, bone strength, and heart health.

Let’s take a look at better sources of nutrition that seniors can include in their diet.

Dark Leafy Vegetables

Leafy greens are on the super-food level when it comes to senior nutrition. Vegetables like spinach, kale, and arugula come with high doses of Vitamin K, which is known to help prevent bone fragility as well as blood clots.

These fiber-rich vegetables are easy to include in your meals. Use them for salads, add them to a pasta sauce, or use them as toppings on pizza, sandwiches, and burgers.

Good Fats

Not all fats are bad, and aiming for a “no fat” diet can actually deprive you of nutrition. For example, certain vitamins require fat to dissolve into your bloodstream. But there’s a difference between good fats and bad fats.

Good fats come from sources like nuts, nut butters (like peanut or almond butter), avocadoes, and vegetable oils. Seafood like salmon, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, can also help reduce your risks of heart disease.

Mediterranean Diet

One of the reasons for the popularity of the Mediterranean Diet is that it provides a wealth of dishes and inspiration using a lot of foods that are great for you. It makes liberal use of fish, legumes, olive oil, fresh fruit and vegetables, and unrefined cereals while reducing dairy and meat.

Brain Food

There are also certain foods that are great for the brain. Fruits and vegetables like berries, cherries, avocadoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage help memory and brain function. Iron-rich beans can also help with attention and memory.

Fatty fish is also great for the brain. This includes salmon, tuna, herring, and sardines. While the taste of pickled herring or sardines can be strong if you’re not used to it, look no further than some Scandinavian snacks and sandwiches for some great pairings that will class things up.

Nutrition is a pillar of good health, and it only becomes more important as you get older. Learn about seniors’ changing nutritional needs and find out how you can change what you eat for the better.

How Can I Find the Perfect Certified Recovery Coach For Me?


The early stages of addiction recovery are, unfortunately, those first few months when people newly in recovery are at their most vulnerable to a potential relapse, and the resumption of their substance use.

Out of all the drug addicts and chronic alcoholics who make it into treatment every year, around half of those will relapse.

For some, it’s only temporary, and they soon return to sobriety and their recovery.

Sadly, however, for others, their relapse and return to substance use signal a seemingly permanent end to their attempt at recovery.

Most people think getting rehab and finding a recovery coach is too expensive for them. Luckily this isn’t the case. You can get drug rehab treatment for free if you know what resources to look for.

In recent years, there has been a growth in the provision of support services for those in early recovery, and one of the newer services now being offered is the recovery coach.

What is a Recovery Coach?

A recovery coach (sometimes also known as a sober coach or a sober companion) is an individual who guides someone through the early stages of addiction recovery, using a variety of methods to both monitor and communicate with those they are assisting.

Because the introduction of the recovery coach is a relatively new addition to addiction services, there are still a few U.S. states yet to put formal legal standards in place, such as licensing and certification for those offering recovery coaching.

Fortunately, though, the vast majority do have required professional standards of some description.

One of the most important aspects of the support that recovery coaches can offer is relapse prevention – the single biggest threat to remaining sober and in recovery. Here’s an idea of what they can provide:

  • A sense of accountability to those in recovery
  • Proactive intervention if people are struggling
  • Assistance in finding recovery, therapy, or other support meetings
  • Accompanying people to these meetings for support
  • The removal of potential relapse triggers from the home
  • Healthy, safe and gradual exposure to triggering situations
  • Coaching to maintain coping skills and other tools in such situations
  • Frequent drug and alcohol testing, and the necessary monitoring

The recovery coach is an advisor, a supporter, and a motivator for those in recovery.

It has been proven through various studies that using a recovery coach reduces the likelihood of relapse. However, they are not a guarantee.

The services of a recovery coach can be used at any time that a person in recovery needs their services – for example, after an inpatient or outpatient treatment program, after another form of addiction treatment, during the actual treatment, or at any time when the person in recovery feels vulnerable and requires a level of professional support.

Recovery Coaches: Certification, Qualification & Professional Training

Because of the lack of a nationwide structure for the profession of recovery coaches, many may actually be therapists or other health care professionals, whereas others may have no formal training or certifications at all.

Fortunately, many U.S. states now require formal licensing, like Arizona, which has improved standards across the nation for this relatively new profession of recovery coaching.

For example, in Arizona, a person wishing to become an accredited recovery coach is legally required to have an IC&RC Peer Recovery Credential, as directed by the Arizona Board for Certification of Addiction Counselors.

The IC&RC Peer Recovery Examination Certification requires:

  • 500 hours of relevant practical experience, including:
    • 25 hours of supervision
    • 46 hours of training / education, which breaks own as:
      • 10 hours in advocacy
      • 10 hours in mentoring/education
      • 10 hours in recovery/wellness support
      • 16 hours in ethical responsibility
    • Successful completion of the IC&RC Peer Recovery Examination
    • Signed agreement to the Arizona Board for Certification of Addiction Counselors’ official Code of Ethics

However, beware, not every U.S. state has such a regulated structure for professional certification.

IMPORTANT: Always ask to see a prospective recovery coach’s credentials, and their official authorization to practice from your home state.

Vital Questions to Ask Prospective Recovery Coaches

Please ensure you ask the following questions if you are looking to use the services of a recovery coach – these will help you to ascertain their professional level and standard:

It is essential this is answered fully:

  1. What are your professional qualifications?
  2. Are you licensed or certified in this U.S. state?
  3. Where did you study for your certificate / qualification?
  4. Do you use a mobile phone app to assist with your recovery coaching?
  5. How often will you check in with me?
  6. Will you accompany me to group support meetings or medical appointments?
  7. How much do you charge for recovery coaching?

It is preferable if this is answered:

  1. Do you work with specific healthcare service insurers to help cover your costs, and can you assist with my health coverage insurance claim?

All of this information will help you to find the perfect recovery coach for you.

Stay safe.

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