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Cleaning Vs Disinfecting/Sanitizing: What’s The Difference?


The best way to prevent bacteria and other viral respiratory infections from spreading is by routinely disinfecting/sanitizing and cleaning surfaces. According to scientific research, viruses and bacteria can stay on surfaces for hours and up to days. To get rid of germs and bacteria effectively, it’s important to know the difference between cleaning and disinfecting/sanitizing, as these terms are not interchangeable.

Cleaning is getting the dirt out. On the other hand, sanitizing is commonly used in public health to reach a certain level of bacteria; 95% is killed in most cases. Disinfection refers to killing everything. This is where you need to aim.

Understanding the differences between cleaning and disinfecting is important in safeguarding your health and that of your family or employees. Here is an in-depth look into the subject.

Cleaning vs Disinfection/Sanitizing


This refers to the removal of germs, impurities and germs from surfaces. However, it does not kill germs. Although by removing them, it reduces the risks of spreading further infections.

Cleaning refers to the mechanical removal of contaminants that are visible such as soils, among others. Cleaning involves water, soap and enzymic detergents, and cleaning machines or hand scrubbing. You can see cleaning to be an effective infection control procedure. As mentioned above, cleaning does not kill germs. Instead, it just reduces the microbial population.

Using ultrasonic cleaners with detergents can succeed in removing fine particles from surfaces. It is also beneficial as it is time-saving and safe. However, thorough you clean, it’s not enough to ensure you’ve gotten rid of micro-organisms.


This refers to the use of chemicals to kill germs. Most of these chemicals remain Environmental Protection Agency-registered disinfectants. Disinfection service does not only kill germs on the surface once you clean. It also lowers the risk of infection spreading further.

Disinfectants remain often bought in concentrated form and need to be mixed with water to get a strong solution that will be effective. Most disinfectants don’t work well on dirt. Therefore, its important to clean first before disinfecting. Some disinfectants are designed for a specific use such as disinfecting instruments or certain surfaces. Therefore, you must make yourself familiar with the label information.

Some disinfectants are known to be corrosive. Make sure you choose one that is appropriate for items that you want to disinfect.

How To Clean And Disinfect Surfaces

  • Ensure you put on disposable gloves
  • Before using a disinfectant, clean the surface with soap and water.
  • While using disinfectants registered with the EPA, ensure you carefully follow the instructions on the label for safety purposes and use the product effectively.
  • We recommend doing regular cleaning and disinfection. However, this will depend on the level of use.
  • Objects and surfaces located in public places must remain cleaned and disinfected before use.

Where are Germs Found?

We interact with germs in our daily lives. Although some of them are helpful, most of them are harmful and they cause diseases. Germs are found almost everywhere; soil, air and water. Germs are also found on our skin and sometimes in our bodies. They can also remain found on objects and surfaces that we touch.

At times, these germs can spread to us and make us sick. For instance, there are germs on tv remotes. The germs can affect you when you touch the tv remote then later rub your nose or eyes or eat food with your hands.

How to Safely Clean And Disinfect

It’s crucial to stay safe while using cleaning and disinfecting products.

  • Always store them in containers you bought them in. ensure you follow instructions and note the warnings on the label.
  • Avoid mixing disinfectants and cleaners unless the instructions on the label say it’s safe to do so. When you combine certain products like ammonia cleaner and chlorine bleach, it may result in injury and death in some cases.
  • Always check the label to be certain whether you need to use protective hand gloves to protect your eyes or hands while using these products.
  • If you inhale, swallow, get these products in contact with your skin, get medical help, or follow directions indicated on the label.
  • Always store cleaning and disinfecting products where children can’t reach.

It’s important to sanitize your home or business place to protect yourself from harmful diseases. For E-clean Pro disinfecting and sanitizing services and professional disinfecting service, be sure to check out Excel Pest Services.

Benefits of Botox Treatment in Calgary

Are you looking for a technique to enhance your natural beauty and turn back the clock on aging? Look no further than Botox treatment in Calgary! Botox is a quick and safe way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving you with a smoother, more youthful complexion.

At our dermatologist clinic in Calgary, we understand that aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to look and feel your best. Botox injections are a accepted and effective way to minimize the signs of aging without undergoing invasive surgery or lengthy recovery times.

Botox Treatment in Calgary

Botox Treatment in Calgary

One of the many benefits of Botox treatment is that it is a non-invasive procedure that can be completed in just a few minutes. Our experienced and trained staff will administer a series of small injections to the targeted areas of your face, which can include the forehead, around the eyes, and between the eyebrows. The injections work by provisionally relaxing the muscles in these areas, which softens the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Another benefit of Botox treatment is that it is a safe and effective way to enhance your natural beauty. Our clinic uses only FDA-approved Botox products, which have a proven track record of safety and effectiveness. Our staff is highly skilled and experienced in administering Botox injections, so you can feel confident knowing that you are in good hands.

Botox treatment is also a great way to maintain your youthful appearance over time. By receiving regular injections, you can prevent new wrinkles and fine lines from forming, and maintain the results of your previous treatments. This can help you to look and feel your best for years to come.

So if you’re looking for a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to enhance your natural beauty and turn back the clock on aging, look no further than Botox treatment in Calgary. Contact our dermatologist clinic today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how Botox can help you achieve the youthful, vibrant look you desire.

The Most Common Causes Of Fatigue In Men


If you often struggle with low energy each day, you might question if you are making the correct lifestyle choices for your mood and energy levels. While fatigue can be caused by various lifestyle factors, it could stem from a medical condition.

If you’re tired of feeling tired and want to increase your energy levels, here are the most common causes of fatigue in men and the effective solutions.

An Unhealthy Lifestyle

If you struggle to get out of bed each morning and feel tired throughout the day, your low energy could be due to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Moreover, if you suspect this could be the case, it is time to ditch foods filled with sugar and saturated fat and incorporate more whole grains, fruit and vegetables, and lean proteins into your diet. Plus, you must hydrate your body with water throughout the day and work out for at least 20 minutes daily.

Low Testosterone

As men grow older, testosterone levels can decline while estrogen elevates. People living with low testosterone can then develop various unwanted symptoms, such as fatigue, depression, weight gain, muscle loss, a low sex drive, and erectile dysfunction.

One of the best men’s hormone replace therapy options on the market can take control of estrogen levels while increasing your testosterone, which can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms. It will lead to improved energy levels, reduced brain fog, a healthier sex drive, and easier weight loss.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects more men than women. It will cause a person to stop breathing for approximately ten seconds at a time during sleep, which can happen multiple times throughout the night. If you are experiencing difficulty breathing during sleep, especially more than once a week, you may have sleep apnea. This is a serious sleep disorder that affects more men than women. It will cause a person to stop breathing for approximately ten seconds at a time during sleep, which can happen multiple times throughout the night. If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to heart problems, high blood pressure, and even stroke. You should contact sleepclinicservices.com to get tested and treated if you think you may have this disorder. Sleepclinicservices.com offers affordable sleep tests and treatments in many locations around the country.

One of the sleep apnea symptoms is extreme sleepiness throughout the day. However, it can cause the following problems:

  • Loud snoring
  • Restlessness during sleep
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Morning headaches
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Irritability

Sleep apnea often affects men over the age of 40 who are overweight. Also, it can affect people with a deviated septum, allergies, a large neck size, sinus problems, large tonsils, a large tongue, or a small jawbone.

If you believe you may have sleep apnea, you must not ignore the problem, as the condition can be life-threatening if left untreated. Also, if you have sleep apnea, you may need to wear a CPAP, APAP, or BiPAP mask over your nose and mouth during sleep.


There is a misconception that anemia only affects women. Yet, many men can experience an iron deficiency that can lead to fatigue, weakness, dizziness, cold hands and feet, and headaches. If you are struggling with one or more of these symptoms, a simple blood test or physical exam can identify if you have anemia, which is often caused by gastrointestinal tract bleeding from gastritis or an ulcer.

If you have anemia, a doctor may recommend folic acid supplements, an iron-rich diet, or pain relievers. The treatments could restore your energy levels and banish the above-unwanted symptoms.

If you are feeling more tired than normal, then it might be an underlying reason as to why. Don’t hesitate to find out why so that you can get on the road to recovery.

7 Reasons Why Plant Protein Is Healthier Than Animal Protein


It’s a well-known fact that protein is good for you, but what about the type of protein? The meat industry has always been a large part of American culture. But with more and more research coming out on how harmful it can be to your health, people are starting to look elsewhere for their protein. Plant-based proteins are not only healthier than animal proteins, but they’re also quite tasty. Here are seven reasons why plant-based protein is better than animal-based.

1) More Nutrients and Fiber – There’s a reason why the American Heart Association recommends you get two and a half servings of veggies while emphasizing nuts, seeds, beans, peas, and lentils as essential protein sources. These foods are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber necessary for good health. Animal proteins, on the other hand, are not as nutrient-rich. The only thing to be aware of is that few plant sources will be a “complete protein,” meaning they don’t have all the essential amino acids. This can be easily remedied by eating various plant-based proteins throughout the day.

2) Variety – The world of plant proteins is vast and varied. There are so many different kinds of beans, nuts, seeds, and grains to choose from that you’ll never get bored. Protein is also found in quinoa, gluten-free grain with a nutty flavor and slightly crunchy texture. In addition, there’s protein just about everywhere you look in the plant world, including Brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, and potatoes. With this list of ingredients, you’ll be challenged to get creative and make delicious dishes.

3) Reduced Saturated Fat – Animal proteins are high in saturated fat, leading to heart disease and other health problems. For example, a meta-analysis of studies done between 1952 and 2012 found that a high intake of meat and processed meat was associated with an increased risk of disease, possibly leading to early death due to the higher amounts of saturated fat. On the other hand, plant proteins are low in saturated fat and can actually help reduce the risk of heart disease.

4) Not Carcinogenic – One of the biggest dangers of eating meat, mainly processed meat, is that it can possibly lead to cancer, according to some authorities in the field of medicine. The World Health Organization has released a statement saying that processed meat is carcinogenic. However, when compared to plant-protein sources that also contain cancer-fighting nutrients, it’s clear that plant proteins are the safer option.

5) Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease – Numerous studies have shown that a diet high in animal protein can increase cardiovascular disease risk. This includes meat and dairy — something to keep in mind if you are a fan of whey protein, which is a dairy-based protein powder. It might be time to make the switch to a plant-based protein powder, which will ensure that you’re not putting your heart at risk.

6) Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes – A diet high in animal protein can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. One study showed that animal protein consumption was a significant risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, in the same study, they found that plant protein was a protective factor for some, meaning that it lowered the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

7) Less Chance of Weight Gain – Meat is high in calories and quickly leads to weight gain. Also, animal protein is significantly connected to fast food, which is even more likely to make you gain weight. On the other hand, plant proteins are generally lower in calories and don’t have the same association with fast food. In fact, plant-based diets are often associated with weight loss.

Excellent Sources of Plant Protein

If you’re not used to looking at plants as a source of protein and your plate is always a third (or more) of meat, this whole process of switching over can be a little daunting. But fear not — as we mentioned earlier, there are plenty of sources of plant protein out there that you can start including in your diet today.

  • Nuts – Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and cashews are all excellent plant-based protein sources. They’re also a good source of healthy fats, fiber, and minerals like magnesium and potassium.
  • Seeds – Chia seeds, hemp hearts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are some of the best sources of plant-based protein around. They’re also a good source of minerals, healthy fats, and fiber.
  • Legumes – Beans, lentils, and peas are all great sources of plant-based protein, as well as fiber and minerals.
  • Grains – Quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat are high in protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients.
  • Plant-Based Protein Powders – If you’re looking for an easy and convenient way to get your plant-based protein fix, a plant-based protein powder might be the way to go. There are many different types of plant-based protein powders on the market, so finding one that suits your needs shouldn’t be too difficult.

Occasionally, when people start eating less animal protein and more plant protein, their gut goes through a bit of a transformation. Often, this is because it’s healing and getting used to not having all the animal products. If you’re feeling bloated, gassy or like you have candida, these could all be signs that your gut is transitioning. Be patient and give it some time. It will eventually even out. And in the meantime, reach for some digestive enzyme supplements to help you along. As well, take a nourish supplement to help with the gut healing process.

Making the Transition to Plant-Based Protein

If you’re interested in making the switch to plant-based protein, but you’re not sure where to start, here are a few tips to help you out.

  • Work into it, slow and steady – Start by gradually replacing some animal-based proteins in your diet with plant-based proteins. This could mean swapping out one meal per day for a plant-based meal or adding a plant-based protein powder to your smoothie.
  • Try some new plant-based recipes – There are plenty of amazing plant-based recipes out there, and you’re sure to find one that you love.
  • Explore different plant-based proteins – As we mentioned earlier, many different types of plant-based proteins are available. Try out a few different kinds to see which ones you like best.
  • Talk to your doctor or nutritionist – If you’re looking for more guidance on making the switch to plant-based protein, talking to a professional is always a good idea. They can help you create a plan that’s right for you and make sure that you’re getting all the nutrients that you need.

Live Longer Tips For Healthy Aging?


Age Is Inevitable, But Its Speed Varies

Aging: Certainly, we are all tumbling headlong toward our inevitable corporeal demise and that transition into the next reality which will prove what was and wasn’t important in life. But until we shuck this mortal coil, here we are. For most, delaying the transition called death is the aim. The best way to do this is to age more healthily and practice good habits.

In modernity, more people than ever are reaching their centennial birthday, and living even a few years after that. France’s own Jeanne Louise Calment passed away in 1997 at the ripe old age of 122. Kane Tanaka was born in 1903 and is still alive today at the astonishing age of 118.

Can you imagine living that long? Well, if the Maker of all smiles on you, it could happen. What will help is taking proper care of yourself? In this writing, we’ll cover three notable tips related to aging, and how best to conduct yourself so that you have the greatest possibility of living the longest.

1. Eat Right, Exercise, And Supplement With Vitamins

Are you eating deep fat fried foods, starches, and sugars all day? That’s a great way to die decades earlier than you have to from heart disease or obesity. What’s better is eating healthy foods in a balanced way. The more balanced your diet, the longer you’re likely to live. However, that’s not the only component to consider as regards longevity.

You also need to exercise the right amount, and at regular intervals. A half-hour a day six days a week should do the trick; at least break a sweat three days a week with a recovery day between them if going a half hour six days a week isn’t feasible.

Lastly, supplement with vitamins. Vitamin C, vitamin D, Vitamin B, and B17, zinc, iron—there are all kinds of supplementary vitamins out there. If you’ve got a doctor, talk to that individual; but don’t be afraid of what you’ve learned through your own research either—doctors don’t tend to live long despite their knowledge; at least according to this Indian study.

A lot of that has to do with things like PTSD, associated vices, and suicide. Doctors aren’t known to be as healthy as some professions. However, there is at least some partial component emanating from an incorrect application of medical understanding; and that component won’t be fully understood until we can look back from the future.

2. Find Affordable Health Plans

Even if you’re eating all the right foods, staying fit, and supplementing with vitamins, that doesn’t mean you’ll never be injured. Sometimes that injury is directly visible, sometimes it’s the result of poisoning, radiation, supplementation with toxic elements, or some other hidden scourge. So to age gracefully, you’ll want the best health plan you can find to cover preventive care in your younger years.

Getting checked out at intervals by professional practitioners is wise; even wiser is having an emergency safety net through insurance. When you boil off the rhetoric, that’s what health insurance represents.

3. Will, Emotions, And The Soul: Living Well—Stress Elimination

There is such a thing as a “will to live”. There is such a thing as a “death by despair”. People literally die of broken hearts. One reason for this may have to do with something called telomerase, which is produced by telomeres. Telomeres are like the tape at the end of a shoestring; only the shoestring is your DNA.

When that tape erodes, so goes the DNA strand, and your age. Stress facilitates telomerase erosion. Stress is like not tying your shoes properly and stepping all over the taped ends until the strings unravel. If you’re emotionally unhealthy, your will is toward things that are bad for you, and you don’t live well. Despite healthcare, exercise, and diet, you’ll still die earlier.

Stress ages you and can be avoided. The ethicality of daily life will impact emotional stability. “Will” can provide you the strength to live as well. These things have an ethereal quality only just becoming understood by modern medicine. The bottom line? Find ways of avoiding negative stress (like despair or depression) and keeping good stress (like exercise or anticipation).

Aging Gracefully

Align your mind in terms of activity for negative stress reduction. Get health insurance on which you can rely for emergencies. Eat right, exercise regularly, and supplement with vitamins. Like a cord of three strands, these three approaches to health maintenance will help you age or aging more gracefully, and all things being equal, may even extend your lifespan.

Why Are People Buying CBD Hemp Buds For Their Wellness Goals?

CBD hemp buds on sale are quickly becoming the go-to option for millions of people looking to improve their well-being in an all-natural and plant-based way.

Whether used for spiritual exploration or holistic purposes, more and more people find that these little dried buds offer a powerful environment where natural products can effectively address overall well-being. With high doses of cannabidiol available through potent extracts from industrial hemp plants, these hemp buds provide long-lasting effects without any unwanted effects– making them ideal for individuals seeking an alternative means of wellness.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the growing trend of why so many everyday people are now turning towards Cannabidiol-rich hemp bud products as a part of their daily health routine.

7 Reasons People Are Buying CBD Hemp Buds For Their Wellness Goals

They are Easy to Use

Due to the surging popularity of CBD hemp buds, more and more people are turning to this natural product to sustain their wellness goals.

One of the reasons for this increased demand is the fact that these hemp buds are easy to use.

Unlike other wellness products, which may require special equipment or knowledge, these hemp buds can be conveniently consumed in a variety of ways.

Some users prefer to roll their cigarettes or use vaporizers, while others add the oil to their food or drink.

With such a wide range of options available, it’s no wonder that people are finding CBD hemp buds a convenient and accessible way to support their wellness goals.

No Hassle

CBD hemp buds have been gaining popularity among wellness enthusiasts looking for a natural way to achieve their health goals. One of the reasons why people are buying these hemp buds is because of how easy and convenient they are to use.

With no need for complicated preparation or equipment, these hemp buds can be enjoyed straight out of the packet or infused into hot beverages.

This no-fuss approach particularly appeals to those with busy lifestyles who want to incorporate natural wellness practices into their daily routine without the headache of complicated instructions.

Additionally, the lack of hassle makes CBD hemp buds a great option for those who are new to wellness practices and are looking for an easy entry point.

Variety of Strains

CBD hemp buds have become increasingly popular among wellness enthusiasts, and for good reason.

These unique buds offer a variety of strains, each with distinct properties and effects.

Whether looking to relax and unwind after a long day or simply improve their overall sense of well-being, there is sure to be a strain that meets their specific needs.

From sweet and fruity blends to more earthy and musky varieties, there is no shortage of options for these hemp buds.

Plus, with many different strains available, users can easily switch things up and experiment with different products to find the perfect match for their goals and preferences.

Easily Accessible

CBD hemp buds have become a popular choice for people looking to achieve their wellness goals. One of the reasons for their popularity is their accessibility.

With more and more states legalizing hemp and Cannabidiol, it has become easier to purchase these products. They can be found in specialty stores, natural food markets, and even online.

People can easily research and compare different brands and strains from the convenience of their own homes.

This level of access has made it easier for individuals to try out CBD hemp buds for themselves and see if they can help them reach their desired wellness outcomes.


With the recent boom in the CBD industry, people are turning towards these hemp buds to achieve their wellness goals.

This natural supplement is being popularized due to its affordability, making it an appealing option for many people looking for a cost-effective solution. Those interested in its potential benefits are likely to find that CBD hemp buds are a great option to explore.

Not only does it offer excellent value for money, but it can also provide relaxation and a sense of calmness without breaking the bank.

With so many people looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle without spending too much, these hemp buds offer a convenient and affordable way to support their overall well-being.

Variety of Strains

CBD hemp buds have been gaining popularity among wellness enthusiasts for their potential benefits. One of the reasons for their surge is the vast variety of strains available on the market.

Each strain has unique characteristics that offer different experiences and effects to the consumer. From earthy and woody flavors to fruity and citrusy notes, a strain fits any preference.

Additionally, hemp buds are analyzed for their cannabinoid and terpene profiles, making it easier for consumers to choose a strain that aligns with their wellness goals.

With so many options available, it’s no wonder why people are turning to these hemp buds to enhance their wellness routine.

Easy to Carry onThe Go

CBD hemp buds have become popular for those aiming to maintain their wellness goals.

With a variety of consumption methods available, from tinctures to edibles to smoking, CBD hemp buds offer an easy and convenient option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of CBD while on the go.

Thanks to their compact and discreet nature, CBD hemp buds can be easily carried in a bag, pocket, or purse, making it easier than ever to maintain a consistent CBD routine.

CBD hemp buds are an excellent option for those seeking a convenient wellness solution, whether you’re looking to relax, or simply promote a sense of calm.

Bottom Line

CBD hemp buds provide people with numerous benefits. Thanks to their easy accessibility and natural origins, many people use this powerful plant to reach their desired wellness goals.

Additionally, hemp derivatives offer those interested in controlling what substances they consume a safe and convenient option for alternative supplements.

If you’re looking to explore the potential of CBD hemp buds, we encourage you to seek guidance from a medical professional and read about the different ways this product can help improve your well-being.

10 Unconventional Smoothie Ingredients To Try


Smoothie Ingredients: There’s no doubt about it: smoothies are the ultimate health hack. They’re a ridiculously easy way to sneak more fruits and veggies into your diet. They can be part of a healthy breakfast or serve as a delicious, post-workout snack. Plus, you can add all sorts of ingredients into smoothies, from matcha and protein powder to flavorful CBD tinctures and so much more.

But if you’re relatively new to the smoothie trend, you may have learned the hard way that some ingredients are better suited to smoothies than others. Once you’ve been burned by a terrible-tasting smoothie, it’s all too easy to fall back on the same old ingredients you always use. To help you break out of your smoothie rut, we’ve rounded up 10 unconventional smoothie ingredients that taste great and do your body good. Enjoy!

1. Silken Tofu

Yes, you can put tofu in a smoothie — and, yes, it will taste good! However, the key to a deliciously-creamy smoothie is to use silken tofu (aka, Japanese-style tofu). Unlike regular tofu, silken tofu has a softer consistency that blends well and makes a deliciously-creamy shake. It’s also high in protein, making it a great alternative to yogurt-based smoothies. Be aware that silken tofu doesn’t need to be refrigerated until opened, so it may be located in a different section of the grocery store than regular tofu.

2. Turmeric


Have you tried putting turmeric in your smoothie before? If not, consider sprinkling some of the “golden spice” into your next smoothie. A staple in Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is probably best-known for its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. On its own, turmeric has a slightly earthy, bitter taste, but it tastes delicious when combined with sweet fruits such as pineapple and mango.

3. Red Cabbage

If you want your smoothie to be both super-healthy and Instagrammable, look no further than red cabbage. This dark red/purple plant is the secret to turning your smoothie into a vivid, purple miracle that begs to be photographed. Of course, looks aren’t everything, and red cabbage delivers in the health department, too. Specifically, red cabbage is high in anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid that is associated with a reduction in hypertension risk. It’s also rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

4. CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) products have been having a big moment lately. According to a 2019 Gallup poll, one in seven Americans now uses CBD for its potential therapeutic benefits, which run the gamut from pain relief to stress management. CBD isn’t psychoactive and won’t get you “high” (that’s THC, a different chemical compound from the same plant).

One of the most delicious ways to reap the therapeutic benefits of CBD? Adding it to your smoothie, of course. For extra health benefits, try adding CBD with terpenes to your smoothie. In a nutshell, terpenes are the organic compounds that give many plants — including the cannabis plant — their distinct aromas and flavors. Some terpenes promote energy and focus, while others have a relaxing effect. It’s an easy (and tasty) way to enjoy some extra health benefits in your daily smoothie.

5. Tahini

If you enjoy nut butter, just wait until you try tahini (aka, sesame seed paste). Made from sesame seeds and oil, tahini boasts a rich, nutty flavor that lends itself well to a variety of dishes. It’s also highly nutritious, containing lots of healthy fats and plant-based protein. The best part? It tastes absolutely delicious in a smoothie. On its own, tahini can be slightly bitter, but when it’s combined with other smoothie ingredients — and with cinnamon, in particular — it’s nothing but sweet, creamy perfection.

6. Spirulina

If you’ve never heard of spirulina, it’s time to put this incredible superfood on your radar. Originally used by the Aztecs to boost endurance, spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that first became famous when NASA astronauts began using it as a dietary supplement.

While there aren’t many large-scale studies on spirulina, some research suggests that it may have anti-inflammatory properties, as well as anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-allergic effects. It’s also extremely rich in many nutrients, making it one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. As with any dietary supplement, make sure that you talk with your doctor before adding spirulina to your smoothie.

7. Cricket Powder

Eating insects isn’t weird. On the contrary, it’s as old as mankind itself. In fact, munching on bugs is still the norm in many cultures across Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

With those facts in mind, give cricket powder a chance in your smoothies. While it may seem gross, cricket powder is surprisingly tasty. It has an earthy, slightly nutty profile that will give your smoothie a wonderful kick of flavor. Cricket powder is also a great source of proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and fiber — all the more reason to jump on board the insect-eating train.

8. Cacao Nibs

If cricket powder is too unconventional for you, here’s a smoothie ingredient that may be more to your liking: cacao nibs. Often called “nature’s chocolate chips,” cacao nibs are simply crumbled pieces of dried cacao beans, which is the same bean used to make chocolate candy. Cacao nibs have a delicious, chocolate-like flavor that pairs amazingly well with mint and peanut butter smoothies. Best of all, they’re rich in antioxidants, fiber, and heart-healthy flavonoids.

9. Lime Juice

Love margaritas, but hate what they do to your waistline? Swap your boozy, summertime drinks with a refreshing smoothie made with lime juice. Limes are low in calories and high in vitamin C and antioxidants — both of which have been linked to improved immunity, healthier skin, and lower blood sugar. Lime juice is also a good source of magnesium and potassium, so drink up!

10. Cactus Paddles (Nopales)

You may have seen cactus paddles at the grocery store before. (If not, you can usually find them at a Mexican market). Cactus paddles, or nopales, are a dietary vegetable and a staple in numerous Mexican cuisine dishes. Some of their many purported health benefits include lowering blood pressure, wound healing, and reducing cholesterol. For best results, pair cactus paddles with pineapple and fresh orange juice.

Building a Better Smoothie

If you want to take your smoothie game to the next level, these ingredients are a delicious and nutritious way to do it. Done right, smoothies can satisfy your hunger while keeping your fitness goals on track.

How to Improve Digestive Health Remedies


Did you know that your digestive system is responsible for more than just digesting food? In fact, it’s essential for your overall health and well-being!

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize this until they experience stomach problems or indigestion.

Let’s discuss some common digestive problems, what causes them, and how to improve your digestive health with diet, lifestyle, and supplements.

Common Digestive Disorders and Stomach Problems

There are a variety of common digestive disorders and stomach problems that can disrupt your daily life. While some may be mild and only cause temporary discomfort, others can be more severe and cause chronic symptoms. They range from mild stomach cramps to severe gas pains, and everything in between.

Some common digestive disorders include:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a common disorder that affects the large intestine and is characterized by abdominal cramps, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, and gas. The exact cause of IBS is unknown, but it is thought to be related to a combination of psychological and physical factors.

Common triggers include:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Hormonal changes
  • Certain foods (e.g., gluten, soy, eggs, nuts, dairy products, or processed foods)
  • Medications (e.g., antibiotics and antispasmodics)

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

GERD is a chronic condition that occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus. It is often caused by a malfunctioning of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is a ring of muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus.

When the LES is weak or relaxed, it can allow stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus, leading to hot burps or discomfort. Acid reflux is a common cause of GERD, but it can also be caused by other factors like:

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Certain medications (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs))

Stomach Ulcers

Ulcers are open sores that form on the lining of the stomach or small intestine. These cause uncomfortable bloating, blood in your stool, nausea, and other symptoms of general digestive discomfort.

While there are several possible causes of ulcers, one of the most common is an infection by the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria. Stress and smoking are also thought to contribute to the development of ulcers.

In some cases, ulcers may be caused by a condition known as stress gastritis. This occurs when the stomach is unable to properly process the increased amount of acid that is produced during periods of stress.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

IBD is a condition that results in inflammation of the digestive tract. Someone with IBD often has excessive bouts of diarrhea, blood in their stools, fatigue, and a decreased appetite.

The two most common types of IBD are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis affects the large intestine, while Crohn’s disease can affect any part of the digestive tract.

While the exact cause of IBD is unknown, there are several theories about what may contribute to its development.

One theory suggests that IBD is an autoimmune disorder, meaning that the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. Another theory posits that IBD is caused by a bacteria or virus. A third possibility is that IBD is hereditary.

Whatever the cause, IBD can be a very debilitating condition, causing abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, and weight loss.

Gastrointestinal Cancers

Gastrointestinal cancers are those that form in the digestive tract. There are several hundred types of GI cancer, but the four most common are:

  • Gastric cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer)

While there are many potential causes of GI cancers, some of the most common include:

  • Smoking
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Chronic inflammation of the GI tract
  • Certain infections (e.g., Helicobacter pylori or hepatitis B and C)
  • Family history of GI cancers
  • Certain genetic syndromes (e.g., Lynch syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis)

Chronic Diarrhea

Diarrhea is defined as having three or more loose or watery stools per day. While it can be unpleasant, diarrhea is usually not serious and will resolve itself within a few days.

However, some people experience chronic diarrhea, which is defined as diarrhea that lasts for more than four weeks. Chronic diarrhea can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Viral infections
  • Change in diet
  • Food allergies
  • Food poisoning
  • Certain medications (e.g., antibiotics, antacids, and laxatives)

Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation is defined as having three or fewer bowel movements per week. It is a condition that affects the large intestine, or colon.

When the colon does not function properly, wastes can build up and become hardened, making bowel movements difficult or impossible. Constipation leads to extreme abdominal discomfort and hard stools that are painful to pass.

Common causes of chronic constipation include:

  • The diet that is low in fiber
  • Lack of exercise
  • Medications (e.g., antacids, calcium channel blockers, antipsychotics, iron supplements, and certain antidepressants)


Gastroenteritis, also called stomach flu, is inflammation of the stomach and intestines that can be caused by a number of different factors. Most commonly, it is caused by a virus, such as the norovirus. Other common causes of gastroenteritis include bacteria, such as E. coli or Salmonella, and parasites, such as Giardia.

In some cases, gastroenteritis may also be caused by food poisoning or an allergic reaction to food.

How to Improve Digestive Health

No one wants to live with stomach pains, abdominal cramps, chronic constipation, or symptoms of diarrhea. Here are a few simple things that can help you achieve a healthy digestive system.

A Balanced Diet

Helping your body properly digest food is essential for good health, yet many people suffer from digestive problems that limit their ability to extract nutrients from their food. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to improve your gut health through diet.

First, eat plenty of fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. A high-fiber diet keeps the digestive system functioning properly by providing bulk and keeping things moving.

Second, drink plenty of fluids. Water is essential for all bodily functions, including digestion. Like fiber, this keeps things loose and flowing throughout your gastrointestinal tract.

Third, avoid trigger foods that can aggravate digestive problems. Although there are different for everyone, common triggers include:

  • Spicy foods
  • Fatty and fried foods (e.g., fries, burgers, and chips)
  • Acidic foods (e.g, citrus fruits and tomato sauce)
  • Processed foods (e.g, artificial sweeteners and cheese)
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

A Healthy Lifestyle

Many people experience stomach problems at some point in their lives, and while some issues may be related to underlying health conditions, others may be the result of poor lifestyle choices.

Making simple changes to your daily routine, such as getting enough sleep or avoiding smoking, are important for optimal digestive health.

Additionally, don’t forget to exercise regularly. Staying physically active is key to keeping everything moving properly. Exercise stimulates the muscles in your digestive system to make things flow smoothly.

Finally, manage healthy stress levels. Stress can have a negative impact on digestion — and your holistic health as well. Fortunately, there are a number of effective stress management techniques you can try, such as yoga or meditation.

With Digestion Supplements

Regardless of our diet or lifestyle,  sometimes our digestive system needs a little help. Digestive supplements can provide the nutrients our guts need to function properly.

  • Digestive enzymes. They can provide enzymes that help us break down food. Enzymes are proteins that accelerate chemical reactions in our body, and they are essential for proper digestion. If we don’t have enough enzymes, we may not be able to properly digest our food, which can lead to indigestion, gas, and bloating.
  • Digestive supplements can also provide probiotics, which are live bacteria that promote healthy gut flora (a balance of good and bad probiotic bacteria). Probiotics can help with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. They may also help prevent infections and reduce inflammation.
  • In addition, digestive supplements can promote collagen production. Collagen is a protein that keeps our gut lining healthy and strong. A strong gut lining is important for preventing leaks and promoting proper absorption of nutrients.

Enzymes for Digestion

Digestive enzymes are proteins that stimulate the breakdown of food into smaller, absorbable molecules.

There are three main types of digestive enzymes:

  • Proteases, break down proteins.
  • Lipases, break down fats.
  • Amylases, break down carbohydrates.

Each type of enzyme has a specific purpose, meaning that proteases will only break down proteins, lipases will only break down fats, and amylases will only break down carbohydrates.

In the human digestive system, these enzymes are produced by the pancreas and the small intestine. They can also be found in fermented foods and probiotic supplements.

How do digestive enzymes work? In order for enzymes to function properly, they must be able to bind to specific molecules. Once an enzyme has bound to its molecule, it will undergo a chemical reaction to simplify that molecule. This reaction is known as catalytic activity, and it is how enzymes help to speed up the digestive process.

Benefits of Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes have a number of other health benefits, in addition to aiding digestion. They can also:

  • Help to reduce inflammation throughout the body
  • Boost immunity
  • Help to prevent some types of cancer
  • Support weight loss goals
  • Allow you to eat foods that used to cause digestive problems

Best Digestive Enzyme Supplement

Enzymedica Digest Gold

The gold standard in digestive enzymes is Digest Gold by Enzymedica. It provides complete digestive support with a full spectrum of enzymes. This supplement can help you break down your food more effectively, making it easier for your body to absorb the nutrients it needs.

But that’s not all! Digest Gold can also help to reduce gas and bloating, and may even be helpful for those who suffer from occasional heartburn.

Probiotics for Digestion

Probiotics are live bacteria that are beneficial to the body, particularly the digestive system. They are often referred to as “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they maintain a balance of healthy gut flora.

Probiotics can be found in many fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi, or can be taken in supplement form.

Benefits of Probiotics

In addition to helping replenish good bacteria, probiotics offer a range of health benefits:

  • Improved digestion
  • Reduced bloating
  • Lower risk of gastrointestinal infections
  • Stronger immune system
  • Reduced anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Better skin health
  • Reduced risk of some chronic diseases

Additionally, probiotics can also help replenish good bacteria after antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotics can kill off both good and bad bacteria, leading to a number of unpleasant side effects like diarrhea, nausea, and fatigue.

If you have experienced stomach issues after antibiotics, a probiotic may be right for you. Studies have shown that probiotics can help reduce the duration and severity of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, as well as improve symptoms of other GI disorders like irritable bowel syndrome.

Best Probiotic for Digestion

Thorne Research FloraPro-LP Probiotic

Thorne Research FloraPro-LP is a probiotic supplement that contains Lactobacillus Plantarum, a naturally occurring probiotic strain shown to support immunity and digestion.

FloraPro-LP is a shelf-stable probiotic that does not require refrigeration, making it easy to take on the go. It is also free of common allergens, such as dairy, soy, and gluten.

Collagen for Gut Health

Although it is most commonly associated with youthful skin and radiant beauty, collagen is actually the most abundant protein in the human body. In fact, it makes up 75% of our skin and 90% of our ligaments, and it is also found in our tendons, muscles, bones, blood vessels, and gut.

Our bodies naturally produce collagen, yet it can be depleted by certain factors, such as poor diet, stress, and ageing. This is why supplementing with collagen can help maintain digestive health and prevent various digestive problems.

Benefits of Collagen for Gut Health

Collagen forms a major part of our gut’s lining and is responsible for many important functions:

  • Helps heal the gut’s lining, which is essential to improve digestion and absorb nutrients.
  • Reduce inflammation and restores balance to the immune system.
  • Protects against harmful bacteria and toxins by forming a barrier to prevent these substances from crossing the gut lining.

Best Collagen Supplements for Digestion

Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Collagen Protein

Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Collagen Protein contains collagen types I, II, and III to enhance your gut lining, and the added protein fuels your body with more energy. Plus, it supports healthy joints, skin, and mobility too.

This collagen protein powder blends with any diet because it does not contain gluten, dairy, nuts, or artificial ingredients. Pick your favorite classic flavor: pure, vanilla, or chocolate.

Best Supplements for Gut Inflammation

Inflammation is often at the root of gastrointestinal issues. From overgrown bacteria to a weakened immune response, the cause of gut inflammation varies. Fortunately, there are helpful ways to reduce this inflammation so you can avoid the common and unpleasant symptoms of this gut disorder.

Curcumin for Inflammation of the Gut

Curcumin is one of the most widely sought-after herbal nutrients to alleviate inflammation. While we typically hear about curcumin’s benefits for achy joints and sore muscles, its anti-inflammatory effects don’t end there. In fact, taking curcumin for gut inflammation can help calm the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases.

If you struggle with Crohn’s disease, IBS, or ulcerative colitis, you’ll want to keep a powerful curcumin supplement on hand. Lively Vitamin Co. CuraHealth utilizes an easily-absorbed and potent form of curcumin so your gastrointestinal tract can quickly experience the inflammation-easing relief you need.

CBD for Gut Inflammation

CBD (cannabidiol) is similar to curcumin in that it provides anti-inflammatory benefits that help your body stay in a healthy state of balance. But, CBD offers one more step in easing digestive problems — it provides an overall sense of comfort.

In addition to reducing inflammation related to certain inflammatory bowel diseases, CBD can relieve occasional stress and anxiety as well as stomach discomfort that you might experience with digestive disorders. Wild Theory CBD Co. Black Label Hemp Extract Extra (1000mg) is a strong dose of CBD that benefits the mind and body, including your gut!


Digestive problems are very common and may be caused by a variety of factors, including diet, lifestyle, and stress. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve digestive health, such as taking dietary supplements.

For instance, Digest Gold Enzymedica is a digestion supplement that contains enzymes to help the body break down food more effectively. This also makes it easier for your body to absorb nutrients from food.

Another digestion supplement that can improve digestive health is Thorne Research FloraPro-LP, which is a probiotic. Probiotics are live bacteria that can replenish and restore the balance of good and bad gut bacteria.

Supplementing with collagen can also be helpful for digestive health. Collagen forms a major part of the gut’s lining It helps heal and protect the gut lining, to reduce inflammation, and restore balance to the immune system.

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