Home Nutrition Diet For Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Diet For Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Diet For Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Nutrition is a crucial aspect of managing thyroid disorders. Do you want to know what changes you have to make in your diet if you have subclinical hypothyroidism? Below we detail them.

Sub clinical hypothyroidism is characterized by no symptoms, which does not mean that it is not necessary to modify the diet to avoid complications soon.

Detection of this pathology based on blood tests, in which the elevated TSH hormone found, but without abnormal values of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

This reveals a malfunction of the thyroid gland that does not reach the point of complete hypothyroidism.

It is a frequent pathology in the population, with a higher incidence among women than men.

We are going to tell you how to adjust the diet if you suffer from this condition.

Increase Selenium In The Diet For Sub clinical Hypothyroidism

Increase Selenium In The Diet

One of the critical micro-nutrients in the management of this pathology is selenium.

According to research published in the journal Nutrients, the nutrient selenium is involved in the reactions that regulate the production of thyroid hormones.

Inadequate intakes of this mineral appear to be associated with an increased risk of developing pathology.

The good news is that this substance can be found abundantly in foods from the plant kingdom, such as nuts. Fish and shellfish are also rich in the nutrient.

The Importance Of Iodine

Iodine is a mineral that could reduce the incidence of sub clinical hypothyroidism when it is provided regularly through the diet.

The thyroid gland needs iodine for its metabolism, and its incorporation is by law, in certain countries, and in certain foods that bought in the supermarket.

There are studies based on case reports that ensure that the intake of said nutrient manages to improve the prognosis of sub clinical hypothyroidism in postmenopausal women.

An example of them the one published in the Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry.

This mineral found in many marine products, such as fish, algae, and, above all, iodized salt.

Diagnosed patients usually recommended using this last product to flavor their meals.Selenium from food may help prevent thyroid problems.

Adjust Calories If You Have Hypothyroidism

One of the consequences of worsening thyroid function is a decrease in energy expenditure.

This translates into an imbalance of the caloric balance in favor of intake, which leads to weight gain.

Being overweight from a thyroid malfunction increases risk factors for other diseases.

To minimize this impact on body composition, strategies oriented to this carried out.

Some of them consist of restricting the intake of fats or carbohydrates.

However, intermittent fasting works best. These types of protocols reduce caloric intake while promoting processes such as lipolysis and autophagy, which is positive for health.

According to a publication in the journal Applied Physiology.

Nutrition, and Metabolism, which analyzes the effects of fasting on the body composition of subjects suffering from hypothyroidism.

This dietary protocol is effective in reducing the body mass index and insulin resistance.

The optional thing would be, in this type of situation, to eliminate breakfast, since adherence to the diet is higher as well.

Appetite is usually less in the morning, due to a series of hormonal changes marked by the circadian cycles.

Eliminating breakfast is a dietary option that restricts daily calories in sub clinical hypothyroidism.

Diet Management is Key in Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism

Patients with sub-clinical hypothyroidism need to monitor certain aspects of the diet to prevent disease progression.

Most of the dietary changes consist of the increased intake of fish and nuts. In this way, they can benefit from higher intakes of iodine and selenium.

Another aspect of being monitored is the changes in body composition that occur over the months.

Hypothyroidism leads to a reduction in caloric expenditure that requires an adjustment from the diet.

To prevent unwanted weight gains, the inclusion of an intermittent fasting protocol is a good option.

In this way, calories ingested and insulin resistance reduced, which will have a positive impact on health in the medium and long term.

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