How To Quickly Cope With Anxiety


If you deal with a lot of anxiety and worry, then you should know a couple of coping techniques to help you deal. We will now look at a few of these methods.


This is a very quick and easy technique that you can use whenever you’re feeling anxious.

Many people who are anxious start to breathe a lot faster which makes their condition worse.

However, when you start to be more conscious about your breathing and slow it down, this can help reduce your anxiety.

In this technique, you will have to:

  • Breathe in via your nose slowly
  • Once you have breathed in, hold your breath for many seconds
  • Slowly breathe out
  • Repeat this as many times as you need to until your heart rate becomes normal and your anxiety eases up.

According to Southern Methodist University researchers, people who did capnometry-assisted respiratory training experienced much less severe symptoms of their panic disorders.

This type of training is basically a breathing therapy that focuses on mindful and slow breathing. In the study, all of the persons did these breathing exercises two times every day. Keep in mind that panic disorders are a bit different from anxiety disorders. However, they do have many similar symptoms.

Be sure to read more about breathing techniques here.


It will take you time in order to learn and master meditation. However, it is quite helpful to reduce anxiety. Learn more about methods to help with anxiety at the Clarity Clinic.

A study done in 2018, they found that only one meditation session helped to lower anxiety levels and reduce the stress felt on the arteries.

Additional relaxation techniques

There are many activities you can do to reduce and manage anxiety, such as tai chi and yoga. These help to lower stress and anxiety and make you feel more relaxed.

Whenever you find yourself feeling anxious about a future task or situation, using guided imagery can assist. Basically, you will need to think about and imagine all the things you need to do to finish the task.

A good example is if you think about an interview or meeting before the event, this can greatly help to lower your anxiety levels.

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