6 FAQs People Have About Custom Teeth Guards


Are you like many other people who find it difficult to keep their teeth in great shape? If so, you’ll know what it’s like when your dentist suggests a special treat to get your straighter teeth in shape again.

The good news is that custom made teeth guards can help you keep your smile looking whiter and your breath smelling better.

But while they may seem like a good idea, many people are unsure of what to expect when buying a custom made teeth guard. This article is an overview of what people have already discovered about custom teeth guards and will help you make the right decision when it comes to buying one.

1. What Exactly Is A Custom Teeth Guard?

A custom made teeth guard is a type of plastic covering that is designed to keep your teeth in good shape. Custom made teeth guards are usually made to fit a specific person and are usually made to last for a longer period of time. They can also be more expensive than standard teeth guards, but they are definitely worth the investment.

A custom tooth guard typically comes in two parts: the front tooth guard and the back tooth guard. The front tooth guard is designed to protect your front teeth from being damaged by other objects, such as drinks or food. The back tooth guard is designed to protect your back teeth from being damaged by other objects, such as drugs or cigarettes.

2. Why Should You Buy a Custom Made Tooth Guard?

There are many reasons why you should buy a custom made tooth guard from a teeth night guard lab. For one, custom made tooth guards are very affordable. A custom made tooth guard can be different from a regular tooth guard, which means that it will protect your teeth from damage more effectively.

Additionally, custom made tooth guards come in many different colors and styles, so you can find one that is perfect for your night out.

3. What Does a Dentist Usually Charge for Custom Made Teeth Guards?

A dentist typically charges a fee for the custom made teeth guards, which can range from $75 to $995.

The main reason why this cost is so high is that the dentist needs to create a custom guard that is specifically tailored to your specific teeth. This usually takes many hours and can also be a bit more expensive than buying a regular set of teeth guards.

The upside is that custom made teeth guards are extremely effective and can help you keep your smile looking whiter and your breath smelling better. When you buy a custom made teeth guard, make sure you ask about the features and benefits that are specific to your individual case.

4. What Should I Look Out for When Buying a Custom Guard

When it comes to custom teeth guards, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First and foremost, it’s important that the guard is of high quality. This is because if the guard is not of good quality, it could lead to problems down the road.  Secondly, you should also be aware of your budget. Just because a guard is a custom made doesn’t mean that it costs more. In fact, many guards cost as little as $50. However, if you have a very specific need for the guard, you may want to go ahead and invest in a better one.

Finally, make sure that you research the different types of guards available before making your purchase. Not all guards are created equal and you have to familiarize yourself with the different kinds out there to find a certain type of guard that would be best for you.

5. How to Use a Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard?

Regardless of the part you choose, to use teeth grinding mouth guard, you will need to first determine the size of your mouth since most guards are available in either small or large sizes.

The small guard is usually more comfortable for smaller mouths and is great for people who are just starting out. The large guard, on the other hand, is better suited for those with larger teeth. The large guard can accommodate up to a medium-sized mouth, making it perfect for those with even or larger teeth.

Once you determine the size of your mouth, it’s time to determine which type of guard you should purchase depending on what you want covered. You can choose either one of the following: bite guards, full face guards and tongue/cheek guards.

  • Bite guards protect your teeth from being bitten by other animals
  • Full face guards protect both your teeth and gums from abrasions.
  • Tongue/cheek guards protect only your tongue and cheek from abrasions. They are less comfortable than bite guards but still provide some level of protection.

6. Are Custom Teeth Guards Worth It?

As explained earlier, custom teeth guards can range from $50 to $1,000. This might seem like a big investment, but you’ll find that it is well worth it in the long run.

For starters, custom guards are made to last since they are made from high-quality materials. Secondly, since they are specially designed for your mouth, you can be sure that they will be much more efficient than any teeth guards you buy over the counter. It might take a bit of time but many people find that taking their time produces better results.

Just be sure to get professional help when choosing the right guard for you and your teeth.

Concluding Thoughts

Custom teeth guards are a hot item right now, with consumers clamouring to get their hands on the perfect tooth guard. There are so many options on the market that it can be difficult for a consumer to know which one is the real deal.

Hopefully, the list of frequently asked questions people have about custom teeth guards as listed above should help you narrow done on a custom teeth guard ideal that’s for you.

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